The Brilliant One

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Welcome to this special report, on one of the most tragic events ever witnessed on a football field. The nation has seen news footage of this accident, but tonight we will show it to you from previously unseen angels and with new detail. It will also be shown in super slow mo. Watch with me now as a great player goes down on the field of play, perhaps for the last time.

................TV video clipping of football player being knocked
down and crashing to the ground. In normal speed
the sound of a bone breaking is audible.
Excited crowd noise is followed by stunned silence.
Eventually the player is carried from the field.
The fall is now shown again but on slow mo. Viewers
can see first surprise,and then pain, sweep over
the face of the footballer.

Reporter's voice now comes back to explain that what follows is five eye witness comments from his Coach, Captain, famous Sports columnist, Agent and Partner.

"Every sport has its great players. Football seems to generate new "great" players ever season. But truly great players come along only once in a generation. And so the game of Football gets one of the greatest players of all time. With an ability to score at will and a turn of speed not seen before, the Brilliant One soon drew attention to himself. He is the greatest player I have ever coached" The Coach

"Starting out in any sport is hard. Older players seem to go out of their way to stop young players from progressing past the "promising" stage. But some young players cannot be denied. And a very few can actually turn adversity into success. The Brilliant One had no problems shinning in any company, under any playing conditions and without any support. He would appear as if out of nowhere, always at top speed and score in the blink of an eye. Sports reporters would pour over replays, trying to work out his secret of success, but it would all be in vain. In slow motion, it would appear that the Brilliant one just always did the right thing, at the right time. It would not be showy, or risky, or even flashy. It would simply be inspired." The Sports columnists

"Soon the opposing coaches would be directing their defeners to give added attention to this player, so as to contain this new menace to their teams success. But any amount of added attention made not the least bit of difference. The opposition players would think they have him covered until the very moment he would escape their reach. With a turn of speed that stunnned even the most experienced players, the Brilliant One could get out of any defensive trap. And he could kick with both feet with equal effectiveness. This made him the most dangerous attacking player on the field." The Captain

"Representative duties came early to such a gifted player. The rise in class did not stop his brilliant play. In fact, it made it better as the defence now had more than one player to mark and watch. And so the true brilliance of this player became public knowledge. He began to draw crowds just with his name. The World Cup came at just the right time in his career and he was the star of the whole event. Setting records for scoring never imagined possible, the Brilliant One became the player of the year." The Agent

"Now opposing coaches would sit up at nights going over videos of his games. They would devise defensive plans and drill them into their players. And the Brilliant One would always defeat all their best efforts. Soon he was named as a permanent "most valued player".
Nothing seemed able to stop him marching away with all the awards.
And that is when it happened. A freak accident on the field of play, involving a group of players, spilled over to include other players. The Brilliant one was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It would be a long time before he could return to the game he loved." The Partner

Reporter's voice comes back again to explain that the viewer will now hear from the Footballer himself.

"The viewers have now heard first hand reports from those who know you best. But they would all like to hear your version. When we posted the question on the various social network sites, over 80% said they wanted to hear about in your own words. Now I know you have repeatedly said that you would not give interviews but here is your chance to set the record straight. What is your response, for example, to suggestions that you have lost your desire to play Football?"

THE BRILLIANT ONE: "That is rubbish. I want to play again but my body is just not ready."

Reporter: " Yeah but others are saying you don't have the bottle anymore. They say that you are scared to return to the field of play. What is your answer to those critics?"

THE BRILLIANT ONE: " Of course I am concerned about further injury but I remain determined to return to the game I love. I just can't say when that will be at this stage of my recovery."

Reporter: "Is it true that you are seeing a psycharists?"

THE BRILLIANT ONE: " I am having therapy sessions with an expert on sports injury management! These sessions are designed to overcome the opsychological scars of such a major injury."

Reporter: "We heard, from a secret source, that these sessions involve hypnotism. Is that true?"

THE Brilliant one: "Some time is spent using hypnotic theapy!"

The Reporter:"And we also hear that the trauma has been too much for your partner of three years. She has left you and gone overseas. Is this correct?"

The Brilliant One ( now clearly upset): Yeah she left me. But it was my fault! I should have been more sensitive to her needs."

The Reporter:"In fact, we hear that a lot of your friends have deserted you and no longer accept your SMS and phone calls. Once you were so popular that everyone wanted to talk to you and get messages from you. Can it be the true that you have no friends left?"

The Brilliant One (with anger in his voice): " I cannot answer for what others are going to do about talking to me and receiving my messages. I still have friends and my family. That's is enough of all these questions. If you don't mind I will just leave it there."

The Reporter is now back live.
"Well there you have it with all the detail exclusive to this reporter. For your comments go to your favourite social network and send us waht you think of this once great footballer.

Scene fadeout!

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