Mother Earth

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The spirits of the dead and the extreterestials are for real, they feel mother Earth is in jeopardy, for the last fifteen years to this day. They are desperately trying to protect the planet, working arounds the clock through all humanity. The world Trade Center bombing confirms it all tro me. I know it was a terrorist I'm happy the got him in The obamas administration. But I think It was THe USA governments fault to begin with. Blowing up the world trade center didn't just hurt USA it hurt the whole world and the woirld is so lucky it didn't trigger the fault line fron fourteenth street straight to the Nuclear power plant in Westchester. I have faith in the Obamasd though I know they're not like these BUshes or Reagens or Clintons. I hope thinmga finally change. I care about mother Earth and imagine her in my heart, so should evberyone imagine mother Earth in your heart.

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