The Diamond Jubilee. 2012

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The Never-ever Ending Dream-Stories.

Once upon a time, the late eighteen eighty’s to be most accurate, there was a great British Queen; almost but not quite the very last great Queen of the fading British Empire, and she launched a massive project of adventurous research and recordings of the inside of palaces and great estates of Beautiful Britain.

This project was a actually a joint American- English venture that made full use of the latest technology in photography and travel that enabled a very skilled photographer with a very basic camera and a small squad of menl to travel the length and breadth of the United Kingdom using only the very limited transport systems available; in what can only be described in these more enlightened times as uncomfortable and primitive.

Most probably it was the participation and authority of The Queen that enabled access to the most private residences and estates of Victorian Britain; including the creation of these unique photographs; and the attached extremely accurate written records.

Yet in those most ancient times who could even imagine that many years and even more used up life-times later, those very same photographs and brilliant Victorian descriptive writings would emerge once again at the exact time of another memorable celebration; this being the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee in the glorious year of 2012.

Unique; by having been authorised and endorsed by not one but two reigning Queens of The United Kingdom it is most fitting that the ancient photographs; taken by the most basic of early cameras; display better than ever in the light of a computer monitor, but the most comforting thought must be that the precious photographs and classic Victorian text are finally not only preserved for all time, but can be recreated and even imnproved as time goes by,and are now as immortal as time itself.

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