The h2g2 society for civil contentious debates

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For all those bored with arguments breaking down, lack of interest or just looking for another place to show your stuff.

This thread is to encourage polite debate on some of the most controversial debate topics found in the world today. Feel free to post in one, two or even all of the topics below - the more the better.

Be Civil!

We are here to have strong, inciteful debate that doesn't turn nasty or reject others' right to opinions.

Those that don't accept the rules are not wanted and should not be allowed to ruin the debates and fun for those who participate within the bounds of common decency.

So What are the Rules?

A couple of simple rules, nothing beyond general polite behaviour that is used by everyone in the public

  • No offensive, foul or rude language is to be used by any debater - this is a battle of opinions, not strength of character

  • Debaters are to accept other opinions as valid, not deride because they are different - speak your opinion and try to convince others to agree with it, not just disagree with someone else's.

  • That seems to be it

What are We Debating?

There are a few ideas of ours below, pick some of them to get your teeth into to start with

In the end, pretty much anything. As long as it follows the rules and suitably interesting then it can be debated, and people can make their opinions to argue on them

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