Is Jack o' Lantern a New Username?
Created | Updated Oct 30, 2011
More spooky stuff.
Is Jack o' Lantern a New Username?
Dr Zen and Mrs Zen (or whatever she's calling herself these days, anagrams being what they are) have been carving a jack o' lantern.
We at the Post would like to distance ourselves from the idea of allowing senior members of Not Panicking, Ltd, access to sharp implements. Personally, we believe they should be limited to crayons and blunt scissors.
We hasten to point out, however, that Dr Z, being a real doctor (rather than the kind you see on television), can probably manage to celebrate the spooky season without hitting any vital organs.
We think this sort of pumpkin-carving might catch on, even in the UK. What do you think? Tell us below.