A Conversation for Fantasy Football Predictions League Season 21
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FF: Week Nine
egon Posted Dec 26, 2011
No, only Crouch, surely? Sturridge started and Bellamy was a sub.
FF: Week Nine
Mu Beta Posted Dec 26, 2011
Oh, did Bellamy come on? Must've missed that one.
It's nothing compared to the woes of my Fantasy Football team, anyway. Sir Alex and Chris Eagles have completely wrecked my afternoon.
FF: Week Nine
Orcus Posted Dec 27, 2011
My is that I'd have given the Adam prediction but it's not my call. So it was the weekend of the 1-1 draw. Not a high scoring week again I'd say. Especially from me
FF: Week Nine Results
egon Posted Dec 27, 2011
Arsenal 1-1 Wolves (Gervinho, Fletcher)
Chelsea 1-1 Fulham (Mata, Dempsey)
Liverpool 1-1 Blackburn (Own Goal, Maxi)
Sunderland 1-1 Everton (Colback, Baines)
Stoke 0-0 Villa
Another low scoring week. As above, I have decided that Charlie Adam is not counted as a goalscorer, as it is implicit in predictions that the scorer will score for their own team unless otherwise stated.
Totals (Week Nine):
Mu Beta: 5 (Liverpool result and scorer, Everton result)
Yakus: 4 (Everton result, score and scorer)
Otto: 3 (Liverpool result and score)
Alfredo: 3 (Everton result and score)
Egon: 2 (Chelsea first scorer)
Mr 603: 2 (Stoke result)
Orcus and McKay: 0
Totals to date:
1. Alfredo: 59
2. mr 603: 58
3. mcKay: 51
4. Mu Beta: 49
5. Otto: 46
6. Yakus: 45
7. Orcus: 42
8. Ferretbadger: 36
9. Trout: 32
10. Egon: 24
11. Sprout: 17
12. Demon Drawer: 11
FF: Week Nine Results
Mu Beta Posted Dec 27, 2011
I'm just pleased I'm not Chris Whelpdale this week.
FF: Week Nine Results
egon Posted Dec 27, 2011
*does internet research*
Oh, so THTA's Chris Whelpdale. Oof.
FF: Week Nine Results
Mu Beta Posted Dec 27, 2011
Apparently, he's only 'a doubt' for Friday's game. I'd make sure I was a doubt for at least a few months. And spend the time cushion shopping.
FF: Week Nine Results
egon Posted Dec 27, 2011
I don't think I would be out of bed for Friday's game, never mind within ten miles of Dagenham.
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FF: Week Nine
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