Known bugs

4 Conversations

If you find any bugs not on this list, please report them at the New h2g2 Feedback page, thanks!

Link to "BBC Homepage" on user pages in Brunel
Some threads appears twice in conversation lists.
145, 146, 150, 221, etc.
Conversation list doesn't update correct or show negative number of posts

Post doesn't show up in conversations until much later (T8281710)
197, 208
MP-page (your list of conversations) looks as if you've been logged out. (Actually you are still logged in if you go to another page.) Same for "Subscribed users'" page, "Show more journals", "NewUsers" and others

Can't unsubscribe via MP-page because you're shown as logged out

Hovering over the sign-in button makes it disappear (+BBC related)

Accessibility lin (in Brunel) fails
'Text only' link fails

'Send it to a friend' link fails
118, 183, 232, etc.
Preferences page defaulting to the Brunel skin, having BBC content and not working correctly - your name might disappear completely

Problems with names and prefixes, different in each skin.

Using apostrophes in usernames causes havoc

Friends list (from the viewer tag) shows your own suffix after every name
Who's Online and the "online eyes" shows users as being online if somebody has been looking at their user page (old bug)
Registering a new account creates two new accounts!

Sign in takes you to the front page, not to where you were
The RSS Feeds (linked from the front page) goes to BBC and are (mostly) broken

If you get no results when searching in Alabaster and Classic Goo, it is suggested that you search all of
129, etc.
Many kinds of URL's gives a server error if "dna/h2g2/" is left out

All(?) pages tries to use which doesn't exist. (All image files seems to be at, though the page is at, should it be like that?)
Typo: The disclaimer says Not Palnicking Ltd.

Change "if you had an account before 2011 (ie with the BBC) ..." to "if you had an account before October 4, 2011 ..." on the front page

Disclaimer on unedited entries in brunet still says that you can "join the community and edit the page" , which you can't.

Image missing:

Logging on via Android catches you in a loop. (T8281830)

In Brunel, your userpage now shows a list with both edited and unedited entries, instead of only edited.

Plain text and html in confirmation email doesn't match. (T8281949)

Many 'typos' in help pages
Mobile page (linked from the front page): Links to phone and pda sites both shows BBC links though they stay (or rather come back) to the site, both ending at The pda pages links to 'BBC Home'.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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