Welcome To Jhenge - System Overview

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Our eponymous planet is situated in the Exupery system. Here's a quick rundown, with some technical information about the planet itself.

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Exupery System

G0 VI class star.

Stellar mass = 0.8

Biozone = 0.5 to 0.8 AU


0.4 AU: Kertzman's Belt - Asteroid belt.

0.7 AU: Jhenge - Earthlike greenhouse, low-iron denisty.

1.2 AU: Stayhan - Medium gas giant.

2.0 AU: Mherrahrian - Small gas giant.

6.8 AU: Boh - Rocky Iceball, silicate density.

13.2 AU: Kelhallan - Iceball.

26.0 AU: Barker's Belt - Asteroid belt.

51.6 AU: Nehn - Small gas giant.


  • Mass (kg):
  • Equatorial Radius (km): 7808
  • Mean Density (?): 4.5 (low-iron composition)
  • Length of Day (hours): 21.0
  • Period of Revolution about Sun (days): ?
  • Acceleration due to Gravity (m/s2): 9.7
  • Mean Orbital Velocity (km/s): ?
  • Inclination of Axis (degrees): 6.1 (minor seasonal effects)
  • Mean Distance from the Sun (AU): 0.70

Moons: None

Atmosphere: Oxy-nitro, bacterial toxification

Pressure: Standard

Climate: 'Tropical' (80 - 100 - 120 degree band)

Surface Water: 91%

Humidity: 29%

Primary Terrain: Jungle

Mineral Resources: Scarce organics, little else

Biosphere: Lower animals. Deep-ocean creatures may exist at higher levels.
Socio-policital Data

Tech Level: 8

Population Rating: 6 (approx 1,709,000 stagnant growth)

Four Factions

Ring Islands

The first human feet to touch the planet were those of the descendants of Chen. They arrived in a generation starship long before the invention of the faster spindle drives and the formation of the Regency, and were forgotten about during the collapse. By the time the Regency colonists arrived (expecting virgin territory) the Chen clan had established a monarchy spanning 52 islands in the northern hemisphere.

Over the generations they had developed an immunity to the bad air and a reddish pigmentation.

Colonial North

Based on the largest island on the planet - Heartland - the Regency colonists were quick to establish an outpost and started to expand until they were bordered by the Ring islanders in the east and the too-hot equator to the south. Colonial administration provides registered colonists with all services including housing, food and equipment.

Laws are lax and ill-defined: some smaller island authorities simply say 'Don't attack anyone or steal anything'. Corruption is kept to a minimum due to the involvement of the RCIA.

Colonial South

The second spindle drive ship arrived thirty years later to establish a station above the southern hemisphere. Social structure is identical to Colonial North. At around this time, 'unregistered colonists' start to arrive in the form of rich-kids and bio-tech corporations with their own ships.

Slavery, narcotics and gun dealing are rife here simply because they aren't illegal. Posession of explosives or listed poisons is a surefire way to be arrested, though.

Assan Fastness

The assans were quick to claim the hotter equator. Their social structure is caste based like their homeworld.

The Regency

A time came in human history when technology allowed anything to be faked, even memories and perceptions. Identification checks were no longer secure. The law courts became a mockery. It became a 'dark time'; post-collapse generations could look back at the history books but never be sure what happened. The only certainty is that during the collapse, Earths factionalised goverments vanished and the Regency emerged. The official history states that the Regency was formed as a unified protection against a virus coinciding with the first contact with the assans.

With new expansionist leadership, the spindle drive ships began to explore; the planet becoming an industrialised sprawl.

The current Regency figurehead is Empress Xiang. Other than the ESWAT interdiction units which report directly to her office, the Regency head plays little part in the Jhenge story.

People asleep, silent unaware

The people don't see

Controling and there

Here for you and me

They're glad you're all here

They're gald you're all here

Why do we not act against it all?

See them looking down

Let's rise up together make it fall

Stop them looking down

They're glad you're all here

They're glad you're all here

Destroy the Regency

Bring it all down

Destroy the Regency

Bring it down

Nire - Bring Down The Regency

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