Terrania : Suggested Welcome Screen?

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Possible new Welcome Screen

Your boat pulls up to the largest island of the Archipelago that is Terrania. Directly before you, is a large sign with 'Welcome to Terrania' in friendly-looking handwriting. As you look on, another smaller sign swings with the slight breeze: 'If you have a permit'. The poorly cut wood is a strong contrast to the polished steel of the sign above. It makes you feel glad that you have your permit tucked away in your pocket...or do you?

The Immigration office directly in front of you can't fail to hide the lush landscape behind it however, with seagulls ducking and weaving above you, and exotic fruit trees laden with fruit swaying slightly.

The Chief Immigration Officer comes towards you, looking slightly foreboding in the navy uniform and hat. 1 They formally welcome you to the main island, which houses all the Government buildings, and can be reached from any of the other islands of Terrania.

If you have received your clearance, please continue on inside...

1Post to be filled

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