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I was just reading some BBC news. I see the UK and Scotland are deeming newsworthy the idea of no child should be smacked. The USA has been going through that phase of discussion the past ten years or more. We're starting to revolve back to some sensibility.

There is a difference between child abuse and a spanking. But if you don't want to think there is a difference then let us find Utopia. No hitting. Period. For those who are into sports that means no futeball/football, no baseball, no hockey, no sports, nada. This would do a lot to indocrinate our youths that violent behavior such as hitting with balls is criminal, checking and tackling is criminal, and such things as lording it over defeated opponents is poor behaivor and criminal.

Take away from the police all weapons. No sticks, electrical shock devices, and guns. Taking in criminals with violence is wrong. No smacking now. And no shouting. Do you know how much you can hurt someone's esteem by shouting at them? YOU KNOW YOU DON'T LIKE BEING SHOUTED AT so lets not yell.

There are people who believe that all children are the same. You tell them very quietly to stop doing what ever they are doing, nicely tell them to go to their room, politely tell them to leave the table, sweetly remind them to be nice to their baby brother, etc. They are going to just that.

Laws are going to be made to make illegal hitting children. Why aren't there laws to make illegal killing people. You say there are. Is that why people go to war? They go to war to not kill? This is not funny folk. They are shooting at each other, going into other people's counties to blow up their buildings and burn their churches and to kill their citizens.

Now either you are going to fight back or you go Witness and tell the marauders they can do all that and more and you will die knowing you did nothing to harm them or protect yourself for your God.

My midget grandson is proud of his ability to not bite other kids and to not get another swat on his behind. The same for not hitting other kids and for not swearing/cussing. This six to ten inches undersized child can out climb, out talk, and out think children almost twice his age. We don't swat him for those actions. But he doesn't bite, hit or abuse his childcare friends. And he loves me and his big brother. He knows we will swat him if he does something he knows is wrong and he knows I will buy him an occassional icecream or gum and that his big brother will toss him in the air or do situps(crunches) with him.

My son was four years old and still wetting the bed occassionally. I won't go into how his mother tried to stop him. Defiantly he still did. I had to step in. I gave him a paddling, explained how he was big enough to use the privy, and I was sorry to have paddled him, it hurt me to have to paddle him, but, he needed to stop wetting the bed. You know what? He stopped.

And for the moment so am I.

The above was written late January 2006.

How do you reason with a 3 year old? My midget grandson was very angry at his older brother Andre. Andre picks on the dogs, gets his older brother in trouble by blaming Marquice for things he does, and picks on my midget grandson. Malique, the three year old, one day went upstairs with a kitchen knife. My son, the Ant, asked him what he was doing with the knife. He said, " I'm going to kill Andre." Ant told him to put the knife back where he got it or he would beat the daylights out of him. Malique did what he was told to do. Not before glaring at Andre with what Ant described as a hatefull look.

A later occassion Andre was sitting on the couch doing his homework. Malique picked up a toybox top and without word or warning swung it like a bat hitting Andre full in the face. Andre wasn't hurt but there were no adults around to let him know that was not a nice thing to do.

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