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Hygeia is a small minor planet in the asteroid belt located between the planets of Mars and Jupiter in the Sol system (I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it. It's on the Orion Arm somewhere). It is small, desolate and unhoopy.

It has been suggested that Hygeia would be a good place to send all those OCD fanatics. Indeed many of them have volunteered to go because of the planetoid's lack of bacteria. The major flaw to this idea, however, is that by landing on the dwarf planet we would be introducing the billions of bacteria that live in our bodies onto the otherwise clean world.

How to get to Hygeia: It's tricky to get to. Few ships pass through this unfashionable quarter so your best bet is to hitch a lift with a teaser bound for Earth, although make sure you don't actually land on Earth because it's Guide entry is very, very misleading. Oh, it's also in an asteroid field

Barriers to Settlement:
1. It is nestled in an asteroid belt.
2. Anyone on the surface will asphyxiate within 30 seconds and the chances of being picked up by a passing spacecraft in this time are... very small.
3. If you survive that, you could be pulverised by some flying rocks.
4. There is no atmosphere.
5. There is no atmosphere.
6. It is at least 5 parsecs from the nearest decently mixed Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
7.Tea is unavailable.

Fact: The night sky over Hygeia... Rocks!

..FACT: Hygeia is named after the Roman goddess of health who had no association with hygiene.

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