The wit and wisdom

4 Conversations

Last updated: April 3rd 2003

This entry consists entirely of quotations from another researcher. They represent his firmly held and vocally demonstrated religious beliefs. They are all copies of visible postings on this site. They make interesting reading, taken together, as the summary of a particular religious conviction. They are collected here as a sort of primer on the sort of views held by a person who describes himself as a "Christian preacher".

Important note

The views expressed herein are emphatically not the views of the author of this entry or the BBC or anyone connected with it, as far as I know. I have resisted the urge to comment on many of them. They are somewhat unsavoury, to say the least. I personally believe them to be the worst sort of garbage. If you believe that the best way to counter intolerance is to face it, attempt to understand it and argue publicly and vehemently against it, read on. If you think the best way to deal with bigots is to pretend they don't exist and suppress all discussion of them, by all means stop reading right now, click the complaint button and get this entry hidden, again.

The quotes, then

The uselessness of intelligence

My advice to you is for you to stop using the useless and wretched tool of 'intellect'...

There is really no point having your own standards and your own ideas.

Salvation is by the grace of God alone,and not by wretched worldly things like reason, debate, intellect, theology, etc.

God does not choose the ...clever, to use.

I am a reasonable Bible student, and I have a Bible College Degree

I have no doubts.

It is not doubt I have to deal with but demonic attack.

There is no error in the Bible

You know that the Flood wiped out all but eight people.

Men did NOT write the Bible.

It is quite possible for someone to be genuinely saved to have all sorts of misunderstandings about what is and what is not the truth.

The unexpected intelligence and resourcefulness of the users of this website, and what they ought to be doing

I am surprised that the cantankerous members of h2g2 found my page so fast.

You need to learn that God's people, who know Him, know far better than you do, and stop instructing and start politely and deferentially asking.

apart from the basics of sin and salvation you are congenitally unable to understand the things of God

Now please take notice of someone whose competance this is, and stop trying to instruct those who in the things that you cannot begin to see yet.

What God thinks/wants, by someone who thinks he knows...

unlike you I am a servant of God. I know what He likes, and what He hates.

God wants soldiers,not ballerinas

I am ... a Christian minister who is, by God's grace alone, free from sin

He does not save everyone.

No (real) Christian would dare give you 'their opinion'.

God hates two things above straigtforward sin; blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and hypocrisy.

Profligacy is wrong in the eyes of God. God says to His people that to have sufficient for our needs is the mark. That is how I live, in fact I don't quite have enough at the moment. And where I live a car is an absolute necessity.

Almighty God says that you do not have 'rights'.

God is not interested in what sinful and wicked men have made Law.

Almighty God does not agree with you about the fundamental decency of people. He says that people are fundamentally evil

There is much wet and stupid teaching around, the sort of thing which turns men into wet churchy effetes. God hates that.

you expect me to answer your charges against God, as if God has to answer to you!*

You are not good in the eyes of God. You cannot commend yourself to God by ANY good deeds, no matter what the quantity or quality.

the Bible is NOT 'packed full of contradiction and inaccuracies'. Your problem is that you do not understand. I know the Author of the Book, I know what He means. You only have intellect and words, and cannot see spiritual truth.

I serve Almighty God whose will and Word will prevail ultimately, and He is not interested in your opinion, or anyone elses. He has spoken, and that is the end of the matter, forever.

Hatred, and the lack of it in his postings...

There is no hatred in my posts, you misread them.*.

the [a specific Roman Catholic I'm not allowed to identify*] is the Antichrist.

Filthy and depraved evil like sodomy, which is so beloved of media people and Government Minister types, is a stench in the nostrils of God.

One is not allowed to demand execution for the practitioners of filth

... cruel I am most definitely not; in fact a gentler person would be hard to find.

children are most definitely not innocent

Those who were slaughtered by military action were only getting their just desserts for sin.

I don't abuse people. What I do is point out the demonic, and refuse the Satanic, that claims to be 'Christian'.

People in general

All human beings are infected with sin.

The only thing good enough for what we are naturally is execution.

I really don't care what people think of me.

if at any time I am found to be acceptable by the vast majority on the board please contact me immediately, something is horribly wrong.*

Am I irritated by [people who are not Christians by his definition]? Yes, you bet.

I am afraid that it is not true that there is freedom of speech.

The BBC's board rules are Antichrist.

This* is constructive and 'institutionalised' discrimination against Christians.

[Christians] run into the wall of conspiracy to shut them up by those who ... expose themselves for the bigotted and fundamentalist pervophiles they are.

It does not matter much what the outworking of sin is in your life; little 'white' lies, mass murder, sodomy, feminism, paeodophilia, etc.

all human beings know instinctively that there is a God

There are ever so many sincerely religious folks, and they are the bane of a preacher's life.

Feminism is the reversal of God's way, just as we see in various other parts of society, such as rewarding sexual perversion with rights, privileges,and high Government offic (sic), and, now, children to adopt, corrupt, and deprave.

I remember a time when women used to blush; when they were sweet and loving, gentle creatures. There is not a man on Earth who cannot love a woman like that. But these competitive, ill tempered, concrete prune hearted members of the right to shave lobby, and brazen whores, that we see everywhere are utterly abhorrent to God and to His people.

It does not matter how much fruit from sin you manifest; whether 'little white lies', or adultery; murder, or feminism.

I let them get on with their wickedness, I am not their judge.

Sodomy is only one of the outworkings of sin, like feminism, ... God saved me out of sin, and if a sodomite gets born again of the Spirit of God they will never be like it again. ... Adulterers too, are instantly delivered, and no longer like that; I know, I was one before I was saved.

Well I don’t like adultery, does that mean that it should now be disallowed?


fifty years ago, it was not done to speak of whoring/fornicating, or sodomy, and yet now such things are de rigueur

It is now impossible for anyone to prevent the same rights, privileges, and rewards being extended to paedophiles, as have been to adulterers and homosexuals.


Satan had legal authority given to him to rule here by Adam

The Lord Jesus allows the devil to do certain things which end up fulfilling His will.


The Roman Catholic religion is not, and never has been 'Christian'.

as long as the Christian-killing Catholics leave us alone and get on with their religion, and don't seek to subjugate the Christians again we just ignore them.

Master(pieces of de)bating

I could not name you one thing which I find uncomfortable, or is a weakness in what Almighty God says.

[And yet... in response to a question about whether he believed newborns who die "unsaved" are condemned to an eternity of torture in hell...]:

I would not like to give a precise answer about what happens to babies.

On being asked why God does not save everyone - I have thought much about why God does not save everyone, and I have asked Him about these things.... I would not post what He showed me...

I am not in the least rude or obtuse.

And, quoting from the same posting...

Why don't you go and be perverse somewhere else?


I for one won't feed your appetite for perversity.

...being persecuted for His name's sake a badge of honour. Not though anyone wants it that way,or seeks it.*

I could not comment about my standard of English, as I have not been assessed, to my knowledge.

And yet, less than a day later - I do have two English 'O' levels, actually

Some provable lies

How do people find my home page... and spend hours heaping contempt on God's truth in some sort of perverse desire to have it removed from h2g2.*

And now, some catchphrases

These ones have been trotted out so often they're becoming like a mantra...

"You need religion, even religion ABOUT Him, like a hole in the head; but you need Him Himself like your next breath."

About 1% of the British people are Christians as God defines one.*

And finally, most terrifyingly of all...

Compare these few quotes - the first few stating what he thinks of other people, the last in response to a query about what he does when he's not telling people they're going to burn for all eternity.

Almighty God says that you do not have 'rights'.

Almighty God does not agree with you about the fundamental decency of people. He says that people are fundamentally evil

The only thing good enough for what we are naturally is execution.

And do you have any hobbies?

I read. I shoot sometimes.

I don't know if that scares you. It certainly scares me.

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