The normal person's guide to Geeks
Created | Updated Nov 11, 2002
Our Living Language: Our word “geek” is now chiefly associated with student and computer slang; one probably thinks first of a computer geek. In origin, however, it is one of the words American English borrowed from the vocabulary of the circus, which was a much more significant source of entertainment in the United States in the 19th and early 20th century than it is now. Large numbers of traveling circuses left a cultural legacy in various and, sometimes, unexpected ways, For example, Superman and other comic book superheroes owe much of their look to circus acrobats, who were similarly costumed in capes and tights. The circus sideshow is the source of the word geek, “a performer who engaged in bizarre acts, such as biting the head off a live chicken.” We also owe the word ballyhoo to the circus; its ultimate origin is unknown, but in the late 1800s it referred to a flamboyant free musical performance conducted outside a circus with the goal of luring customers to buy tickets to the inside shows. Other words and expressions with circus origins include bandwagon (coined by P.T. Barnum in 1855) and Siamese twin.
No, I will not fix your computer
Being a geek is not limited to being a 45-year old virgin with pale skin who just sits behind a computer in the parental units’ basement watching Star Trek. Nor is it limited to the new stereotype, that which says that all geeks know everything about computers and have nothing else better to do with their lives but service people who can’t program their alarm clocks without the help of the five-year children in their lives. Geeks are not that anti-social. In my view, being a geek is about having a serious passion for something and not just wanting to flow with what life places in front of you. Nothing good ever came from being normal people and doing normal things.
Types of geek
Geeks come in many forms. To see them you just have to look hard enough. You have your comics book geeks, your sci-fi geeks (to generalize all the fan boys and girls into things like Star Wars, Star Trek and Farscape etc). You have your audio geeks, and of course your computer geeks. There are many other types, way too many to try and list. Again, it’s about having a passion for something. Today what determines a geek is how knowledgeable they are or how knowledgeable they want to be about something. Not all geek are geniuses, mind you.
To be a geek, or not to be a geek that is the question
Being a geek is not all flowers and sunshine. For a long time, the term “geek” was used in a derogatory manner by people who found them weird and different. Even some dictionaries have something against geeks (see
Difference between a computer geek and a hacker
In today’s social environment, being a hacker can get you thrown in jail. It’s really not a title any body should really want to claim. Anybody out there calling himself or herself a hacker may be a little naïve as to how hackers are perceived by the worlds governments. A computer geek is not doing anything malicious (minus any p2p clients, but only the music companies hate you then!)
The term computer geek seems to be used by many in the general populace for anyone who spends a lot of or too much time at a computer In computers and the Internet, a computer geek is a person who is inordinately dedicated to and involved with technology to the point of sometimes not appearing to be normal. Being a geek also implies a capability with the technology. Although historically, computer and Internet programming and hacking has been a male thing, there are now many "girl geeks." The term "hacker" generally connotes competence more strongly than "geek" does. The term "geek" emphasizes dedication and weirdness, although recent use of the term suggests greater social acceptance and tolerance for geeks.
Girl Geeks, A growing breed
Girls as of late are realizing that they have geek tendencies They are in the field at the conventions, on the forums. They have actually been here forever, they have just gone unrecognized, for the same reasons most male geeks have been treated poorly. Most times you can find girls along side guys in gaming tournaments, programming in the company, in online games etc. Their style is different, of course. But when is a woman’s style not different from a man’s?
Identifying a geek
A way to identify a geek is clothing. Once upon a time, there was a belief that you could look for the pocket protector and label a person as a geek or nerd, but that day is no more. That was just something that really just came from movies, nothing more. If you really want to identify a geek, good luck. Most geeks dress like everybody else. On occasion though they might wear their own style of shirts sporting things like source code, binary (ones and zeros), or Linux (including Tux, the Linux penguin) or a variety of other things that only people of like interest would understand.
If they can write javascripts and/or use C++ or other programming languages, that does not actually identify them as geeks. Some people just have those abilities for the paycheck. Basically don’t worry about identifying geeks. A person is what a person is. A person does not need to be told what they are, or be singled out for it. If you feel the need to identify someone, identify yourself…
Living la vida geek
It’s all about perception. You see, the growth of technological use has elevated certain geeks above their older positions. Still partially seen as outsiders to the social order, their habits have become public information because money talks and geeks tend to spend for their passions. In schools and in certain circles they are still looked on as outcasts. But in the end they are the ones who get things to work. Geeks get you the info you want in libraries. Geeks are the ones who will accept you for who you are when others in the world will not. To put it plainly, in a geeks world it’s OK to be different, to have different points of views and to like what ever you want to like without fear of reprisal.
"Geek" seems to be a description applied to people who are perceived as falling below a threshold that whatever normal society is seems to have created. Consider if you will, this group, relative to their contemporaries. Geeks are people who get great pleasure from intellectual pursuits that would bore the socks of most normal people. But pleasure must come from somewhere. They have better manners, morals and education. They are less violent, and rarely indulge in anti-social behavior. Geeks can be billed as the cog that helps the majority of society adapt to ever changing face of the technological landscape, or just that group who loves something so much that they are willing to dress up in costumes to show it.