Warwickshire a Brief History

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The town of Warwickshire is steeped in history, it was orginally built by General James Warrick's great grandfather, and started out as a mere two house village. Over the years Warwickshire has become a busy bustling town, which welcomes all travellers.

The town has grown so much under James Warricks's care that a new school is being built to keep up with the demand of the local population. No longer can lessons be taught in the small church.

Alas scatch the surface and you will see that all is not well with the Townsfolk in Warrickshire. James is bethrothed to an Elven Princess by the name of Lilandra. No human ever trusts an Elf, they are dark and devious at the best of times. And already there has been a collapse at the new school build, something which the Townsfolk blame Lilandra for.

General James Warrick, had to leave the town on business and left Captain Jack Templer in charge of govenerning the town, also leaving Lilandra in his care, as it appears a strange dark force is following her and that her life is in danger. A relationship started to bloom between the two ending up with the pair eloping along with two assasins ( Shairi Timelia and Cal) aboard the Elvin Queen.

Lilandra fell overboard. Cal the assasin followed to try and save her and they both ended up stranded on a small island. The Elf then captured Cal under her spell. The evil force follows them both to the island and the pair are not safe.

Captain Jack Templer desparatly tries to get back to the woman he now loves, but on finding her discoveres the relationship between her and the assasin. With them both back aboard ship he tries to ignore it, but it is too much for him to bare. Broken hearted he throws himself overboard.

The Elvin Queen is then caught up in a great storm, probably caused by the evil force that seems to be following Lilandra. The ship sinks and all were assumed lost.

However Cal the assasin believed Captain Jack to be still alive and so hired Ren the elf to find him. Ren has been successful in his search but will he be able to persaude the Captain to return. And if not will the Captain return dead or alive?

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