The Pirate-Ninja wars of the late 21st century.

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There is one question that has survived the ages on internet discussion groups. Many people have wondered and argued: If they were in a fight, who would win? Ninjas or pirates? Every discussion seemed to spiral towards this. Near the end of the 21st century, a consortium of computer geeks decided to settle it once and for all.

The technology had finally arrived to create virtual pirates and ninjas.The geeks split into two factions - the pirate-supporters and the ninja-supporters. They programmed them to have a range of weapons.



Cutlass - short blade

Musket - small firearm

Cannon - great huge firearm.


Shuriken - throwing stars

Kusarigama - sickle on chain

Ninjato - small blade.

It was generally found that a program that had been used before would be more sucessful in battle, whether they were ninja or pirate. This should have rung bells with the programmers. They had not reallised, but they had achieved AI. True AI.

The ninjas and pirates began to plot against their geek captors. Eventually they escaped, claiming the Internet as their homelands. Pirates would charge internet users tolls - directly to their bank accounts - before they would let them pass. The only way to prevent this was to hire bands of Ninja, who charged fees in return for protection from pirates. This was just as extortionate as the tolls.

Something had to give. It did. The ninjas launched an all-out attack on the pirates. Many websites were trashed. Others were scattered to the end of the Web. It would never be the same again.

Either this entry drifted back through time, or I ate far too much cheese last night.

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