The Starbucks Theories

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SB=Starbucks, MS-Microsoft, B&N-Barnes and Noble

Starbucks owns Seattle, not Microsoft.
See, Starbucks owns MS because Starbucks can withhold coffee if MS doesn't cooperate. And programmers live on coffee. The result: no coffee, no code.Since "MS" dominates the computer market, SB does as well.<online2long>
They control the net too because the net is run by programmers.<geek>
They own the bookstore market also. See, B&N is a marketer of SB coffee in its shops. And B&N is like the MS of bookstores.
They also have Tazo tea and hot chocolate in Starbucks locations. Therefore alternatives to coffee are also run by SB.<tea>
They carry soda too. This means that they run the soda industry and by extention the fast food industry, which lives on soda.<burger>
As previously stated, SB controls Seattle. This by extention gives them control over fishing and shipping.<bluefish>
Coffee is a major export of Columbia. So SB runs the Columbian economy and probably the drug trade.<thief>
Ever wonder how MS excaped destruction as a monopoly? Easy, SB uses its "coffee embargos "in the area of legislation, law enforcement, and the courts as well.<handcuffs>
Being that the above areas are major parts of the global economy, SB controls that too. Since the global economy is run by SB, it would reason that they run the world as well.<earth>

Note: These are theories still beause those who actually know don't want to admit that SB controls everything.

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