A Ratyvfu grammar/dictionary

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Bar, Gib, Guerr, she, svir, fvk, frira, rvtug, avar,
gra (v pronounced like 'oo' where unpronouncable)

One, Tvo, Three, fur, five, six, seven, eight, nine,

Ryrira, Giryir, Guvegra, Shegra, Svsgra, Fvkgra,
Friragra, Rvtuggra, Avargra
Eleven, Tvelve, Thirten, Furten, Fiften, Sixten,
Seventen, Eightten, Nineten

Giragl, Guvegl, Shegl, Svsgl, Fvkgl, Friragl, Rvtugl,
Avargl (gl as in ugly, tricky put possible)
Tventy, Thirty, Furty, Fifty, Sixty, Seventy, Eighty,



V(frys)1, guh, ur, fur, vg, iv, guh, gurl
I(self), thu, he, she, it, vi, thu, they

uns, Thee, hem, her, it, uns, Thee, them
haf, Gurr, urz, ure, vg, haf, Gurr, gurz

object indentical to subject
frys, Gulfrys, urfrys, urefrys, vgfrys, befrys,
gulfrys, gurzfrys
self, Thyself, hiself, herself, itself, orself,
thyself, themself

Zvar, Guvar, Urf, Uref, Vgf, Be, Guvar, Gurve
Mine, Thine, Hes, Hers, Its, Or, Thine, Their

orvat, or, ner, (unir) orra
being, be, are, (have) been

yvivat, yvir, (unir) yvirq
living, live, (have) lived

yrneavat, yrnea, yrnearq
learning, learn, learened

snvyvat, snvy, snvyrq
failing, fail, failed

na (indefinite article)

zbeba - moron
tvg - git

being or unbeing that is the unknown
orvat be haorvat gung vf gur haxabja

angry hungry anger hunger hate hatred nail club fork ram bow arrow
natel uhatel natre uhatre ungr ungerq anvy pyho sbex enz obj neebj
1Leave 'V' implied or use 'frys'. No other pronoun implies 'V'.

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