Mr. Dreadful - Adventuring Inventory

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Upon his person

A linen shirt.

A Harris tweed tactical vest.

A backpack.

A kilt

A Sporran.

A claymore (the older, two-handed type).

A brace of antique flintlock pistols.

A Virtual Patio Bubble.

A pith helmet.

Ramstop wool socks.

Brown 12-hole DMs.

In the pockets of the tactical vest

Sticking plasters.

Anti-septic ointment.

Emergency tea bags.

Silver pocket watch.

Powder and ammunition for the pistols.

In the sporran

A remote control that turns the kilt into trews when the environment/occasion would suit one better.

Currency of various types, but never quite enough to buy tea.

In the backpack

A camcorder with separate viewing screen.

Duct tape.


Camping stove.

Foldaway pan.


Plate and cutlery.


7 sporks

Espresso cup.

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