The Joy Of Gigs

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Some might say that i'm still pretty darn new to the whole gigging experience. My first gig was (please put the tomatos down!) Nelly Furtado at The Shepards Bush Empire in London. My stomach was churning all the way there. What if i was at the back? I want to be able to see. What if my ticket is fake and i wont get in? All these thoughts rushed through my mind as i sat waiting outside for an hour and a half to ensure my place at the front. But an almighty hickup meant that i ended up 2nd row, as opposed to being the third person in the queue. Still, good enough. The gig was amazing, and i managed to catch a banana that she threw from her rider! Ah, but that wasnt the best highlight. I managed to meet Danaan Branach, at the time he was an MTV presenter but can now be caught shamefully presenting Fame Academy along side some woman whos name i dont even know! My second was just 2 months later at The Forum, Kentish Town, London. It was Travis. We were right at the front and the atmosphere was amazing. The funniest moment had to be turning around to see a middle aged couple getting caught in a mosh pit (yes, at a T-R-A-V-I-S gig!) ive never seen so much terror in their eyes. My next gig wasnt until 6 months later when it was Travis again. A couple of days before christmas and probably the worst gig ive ever been to. It was at The Hammersmith Appolo in London and was seated. I was in the very last rown and it sucked. We werent even allowed to dance due to the fact that the people (who werent in their seats) standing behind me couldnt see with me jumping and clapping. Since then ive moved on to smaller club venues. The Chinnerys in Southend On Sea being probably one of the smallest and best venues. I saw The Libertines there twice, managed to puke on Pete (one of the singers) shoe and embarass myself horribly, but the second time i was invited back stage because they remembered me. The great thing about such small venues is the intimacy between the band and the crowd. Theres no barrier, no barrage of security acting all superior in front of you- Just a pure rocknroll atmosphere where nobdoy cares if you jump on stage with the band to receive your moment of glory. Although saying that, my best gig has to be The Strokes at The Brixton Academy in London. After drinking and talking to complete strangers outside the venue for 3 hours, drinking cheap cans of Stella Artois and managing to meet the band on their way to soundcheck, we were finally allowed in. Although nothing could prepare me for the experience a head... not least the part where i was in such a rush to bagsy my place front row centre that i didnt see a huge monster of a barrier. One word. Ouch!!! I landed flat on my arse, and missed my chance to get the place. As if that was bad enough, i realised that the guitarist Albert had seen it all from the balcony!! But luckily, my heaven sent sister had somehow got the place. After much waiting and 2 rubbish support acts, the band were on. And oh my god, was it amazing. I was so crushed against the barrier, i was at the Doctors the next day with cracked ribs. I got to help Julian Casablancas onto the barrier and hold onto him with dear life as the crowd thrushed forward even more as the guitars thrashed away, i got to yell into the microphone, plant a kiss on Julians cheek, and then accidentally hit the drummer round the head when he kicked me stage diving... i didnt realise it was him, as you could imagine, i just felt a hug blow to my head and hit!!!
Since Nelly Furtado, i have seen well over 60 bands. Not bad in the space of 17 months. Its a unity thing between the crowd and the band, and words can't describe how good it feels when you can feel everyone else in that rooms pure joy and excitement. Everyone feels the same thing, and i will never feel that much unity with complete strangers anywhere else.

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