The Great Help Pages Hunt
Created | Updated Jul 2, 2011
We're moving soon, and one of the pre-move tasks the Interim Committee has identified is updating the h2g2 Help Pages. This is so we have up to date and accurate Help Pages that will enable newbies and others to find out exactly what they need to know once we are on noohootoo.
The Help Pages fall into three broad categories:
The Plan
Stage one: create a list of all the pages, with relevant data (see below). This will tell us where the pages are, what needs to be done with them, and which Team will be doing that. The point isn't to collect data for data's sake, it's to prioritise which pages need work most urgently and where they are so that other people can work on them. Once the data is collected we can put this into a spreadsheet, which the Teams will be able to use to manage the page rewrites before we move.
Stage two: each Team looks at their pages and decides what to do about them. Some can be labelled 'out of date', some will need to be rewritten, some might need to be deleted.
Stage three: prioritising the pages, so the important ones get done first, and starting the work on them.
If you can help, then please post in the the 'How can I help thread?' below. Please don't start searching for Help Pages without talking with me first, as I've already done some and I don't want to double up work, or create double sets of data.