XKCD - The Webcomic

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So, have you finished reading every past copy of the h2g2 post? For those that have, the internet is full of exciting webcomics just for you to chuckle at and feel disturbed by the accuracy of. xkcd(comment about all lowercase/all uppercase) was a webcomic invented in 2005 by Randall Munroe. xkcd(link to website) normally publishes comics on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Each comic is normally a small number of slides. The humour of each slide varies, though it is phrased as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language" in the comic's tagline. There are many science and maths based jokes, which are occasionly complicated but normally are such that any reader can understand the joke being made. The jokes within each slide are made by a number of stick figures(give exception such as barrel boy) interacting with each other. Every comic also has an alt-text, which may either make a new joke, or extend that of the main comic(comment, sometimes messages are left).
(see if possible to get pictures put in)
Jokes about the manner of the comics are common, indeed at the bottom of the comic there are warnings concerning the layout of the website,

"Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors)"

The beginning of xkcd in September 2005 with the addition of a number of drawings taken from his school notebooks.





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