Prayers for moscow, bali/australia, u.s. capital et al
Created | Updated Oct 26, 2002
Gladened though, because as my gaze falls on the sea troughs of history, it is drawn to the over powering beauty of looming waves of peaceful. wonderious times.
Went to the internet a lot in the last weeks. Checking local information and web cams for half the earth it seems. The morning sky over Moscow is very striking I learned. In the waining hours of the 23rd of October, I watched the sun come up over that great city as the morning of the 24th visited there. The web gave me a window on the beauty surronding a modern tragedy.
I am no less of an American or a Chippewa for sharing this cyber dawn with other humans 11 hours away from me. My national borders are not blured by the humanity I see via cyber ports of conciousness...I do. however, weep more deeply for the victims of those who fear extinction and lash out against the part of the world that is dancing in a disco, or laughing at a musical, enjoying simple fare at a cafe, or running to middle school with an arm full of books.
Every nation has them. The malcontent, lashing out from low self esteem. The sad ones hoping to share their misery. The drowning ones, death grip on the living as they sink into dispair. Those whose wounds would heal, if only they would stop ripping them open again and again.
In the end, the simple answers work the best, I suspect. There is no system simpler than the yes/no, open/close of the computing languages. Prehaps it is this 'you are or you are not' iconic process that strikes the greatest fear in the depths of the 'maybe' people.
Sending hope to all. Sending earnest prayers for healing and peace, good fortune for good endeavors and the simple statement, 'I love life. It is wonderious, please stop taking it away from people.'
Good Night from Seattle.
ap Oshawawano