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Luton is a medium-sized town approx. 30miles north of London, comprising many different areas, most of which you really wouldn't like to touch with a 10-foot-barge-pole. Not that they have barges in Luton. But, you're looking for an overview, and here it is.

How To Get There (and get back out again)

London Luton Airport is one of the major international London airports and flies to several destinations within the UK such as Glasgow and also accross Europe. To supply the airport, Luton Airport Parkway train station was built, and there is a free bus link from the airport to the station.

All trains which serve Parkway also serve Luton station, in the town centre. From these stations there are about 4 trains an hour to london, 2 trains an hour to brighton and gatwick and also frequent services to stations in the Midlands and the North of England. Check a train timetable website for more information.

There is also a Coach station which links Luton up with the National Express network. Coaches frequently run to other London airports as well as such exciting destinations as Birmingham Digbeth and Milton Keynes Coachway.

Most busses from Luton to the surrounding area are run by Arriva busses and timetables and maps can be found on their website

Industry and Jobs

In the past Luton was known for it's hat-making factories, but the decline in millinary fashions has meant the near disappearance of all factories - in spite of local MP Margaret Moran's campaign in parliamentShe wore a hat one day. Needless to say she wasn't successful..

For several decades the largest employer in the town was Vauxhall cars, but their plant closed down in 2002.

Currently the largest employer is the airport, but luton is also full of people who commute daily to London.


There is a leisure centre in the middle of town called the Galaxy, which comprises a cinema, bowling alley, games arcade, a pub and a nightclub. There is also 'The Large Arndale Centre' As it is described on an advert on the 321 bus..."Go shopping in thriving, buzzing Watford, then have a stroll round the market in picturesque St Albans...then there's the large Arndale Centre in Luton. Yes, the 321 is the way to shop!"

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