Drinks,cocktails and parties
Created | Updated Apr 1, 2002
Well a party is jolly good fun, and drinks and parties is not a bad match.Some friends of mine had a party and there was (supposedly) no beer allowed so drinks were up.There were four people assigned to making the drinks wich included the usual "screwdriver" (wich everyone thinks that that is the one drink one can not foul up .....(wrong answer Bob!).....) and Tom Collins (another classic "impossible" to destroy drink.And the dearing and exotic drinks like Monkeys brain and "The blue devil" .The "bartenders" were allso a part of the party a fact that ,after awhile became painfully noticable. A friend of mine has sayd that the first drink he makes (for himself) is allways the best and the rest somehow allways turns out worse than the one before.After a while (abaout five hours ) the "bartenders" was just as drunk as the rest of us ,and ofcourse ,the rest of us thought that we could be making our own drinks.Hey we had watched them nearly five hours! That is offcourse allmost the same as letting cids into a chemist lab and say :"here you have some blue stuff ,some red stuff ,the green is good allso the yellow and pink."
We go for colours ,not taste.
And allso if you wan't to completely remove any taste of booze in a drink,try one of those "tropical" sodas with kiwi's and stuff in them.
They are usually green.....