Basic Celtic Paganism

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Pagan Premise No. 1
Diety - the All-powerful, all-loving Creator of Everthing (except Vegimite, which was the Original Sin created by humankind) has 2 basic vibrations: Male and Female. The sum total of "Male" is what we call "God" and the sum total of the female is "Goddess". Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity results when in they are in balance, where one does not override, obsess with, or interfere with the other; instead, the support, protect and nurture each other. The Earth, Moon and Sea are analogies for Goddess, and the Sun, Air and Air are analogies for God.

Pagan Premise No. 2
All things originate from the stars. That's a no-brainer: physics proves that. Therefore, the Earth and everything on it is of celestial origin.

We use the Pentacle to symbolize Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit, surrounded in the circle of Love. These are the 5 Elements of Creation.

Pagan Premise No. 3
There are 2 kinds of ain: 1) making someone eat Vegemite against his/her will, and 2) doing something you know is harmful to either yourself or someone or something else. If you've harmed someone, even unknowingly, it is YOUR responsibility to make it right. This idea is also known as The Witches' Rede. Everything you do comes back to you, so be joyful, and happy things will happen. Be mean and nasty, and bad things will happen. Try it and see! Check out "Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting", by Lynn Grabhorn.

Pagan Premise No. 4
There is no Santa. I mean Satan. Well, there is NOW, thanks to the Christians pouring all kinds of negativity and malice into a thought-form, and then giving it a name. But that's only been going on for 500 years. Christianity is only 2000 years old, a teenager compared to Judaism at 6000+ years, Egyptian at 7000+ years, and Paganism, which is 40,000+ years (Y2K my ass!!). And as teenagers do, they claim they know everything, and boss everyone else around. Pagans, like the old fogies we are, wish they'd get out of our faces and get a clue.

Pagan Premise No. 5
Satan is a Middle Eastern Diety, and has no Celtic equivalent. Our "Lord of the Dark" is Cernunnos, who rules over the regenerative darkness such as the black soil at the roots of a tree, or the meditative blackness of a cave at Winter Solstice ona moonless night. This is the kind of darkness where the answers to the Great Mysteries are found.

Pagan Premise No. 6
Divine Love, forgiveness and making mistakes are our Divine Birthright, which on one can take away from you. Ditto for going to Heaven after you die. There is no such thing as Hell, since there is no such thing as punishment.

These are the basics of modern witchcraft, druidry, shamanism and many other forms of Celtic Paganism. It is estimated that there are over 5 million PAgans, many of whom are still in the "broom closet" on North America.

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