Paul Wegener's Golem films

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The German actor and director Paul Wegener (1874-1948) made many films, but is particularly remembered for his three films centered around the Jewish legend of the Golem1. He first heard this legend while working in Prague on his film The Student of Prague, in 1913. He promptly set to work making a film inspired by the legend.

According to the legend, the Emperor Rudolph II was about to issue an edict against the Jews of Prague. Rabbi Judah Low Ben Bezalel2, one of the ghetto's elders, created a Golem, a clay statue brought to life by magic, to defend the Jews from the pogrom. The legend has several variants, differing as to detail. Sometimes the Golem is brought to life by a magic word written on his forehead; erase the word, and he ceases to live. Other versions mention a hot ball placed in the Golem's skull, or a tablet with the name of God written on it put in the Golem's mouth. In Wegener's films the Golem is brought to life by a shem, a star of David pendant concealing a piece of paper with the magic word on it. Remove the shem, and the Golem is rendered inert.

Wegener played the Golem himself in all three films. At over six feet tall, with an expressive face, he was well suited for the part. He continued to make films and perform on stage throughout his life, even when Germany was under Nazi rule. Ill health plagued him, and he collapsed onstage a few days before his death, a trouper to the end.

The films

Der Golem(1914) An antiques dealer discovers a statue and recognizes it as the Golem of legend. He brings it to life and sets it to guard his daughter (Lyda Salmanova, who is the leading lady in all three Golem films. She and Wegener were married for a time.) The Golem falls in love with the girl and tries to make off with her, but the shem is pulled from him and he falls, lifeless, from a high tower.

This film was written and directed by Wegener and Henrik Galeen, a Dutch film-maker best-known for the vampire film Nosferatu, which he wrote. Der Golem was released several years later in the United States, under the title The Monster of Fate. As the First World War was breaking out, interest in a German film was limited.

Der Golem und die Tanzerein (The Golem and the Dancer)(1917) This film may well be the first horror movie sequel ever. A man (Wegener), after seeing Der Golem in a movie theater, dresses up as the Golem to frighten a dancing girl (Salmanova). The film is meant as comedy. No print of this film is known to exist.

Der Golem: Wie Er in Die Welt Kam (The Golem: How he came into the world)(1920) This is the story as the legend tells it. Rabbi Loew creates the Golem to stop the Jews being expelled from the city. For a time, the Golem is an obedient servant, but it begins to rebel. The rabbi's daughter Miriam (Salmanova) is again the object of the Golem's attention as he turns against his master. After running amok and leaving Miriam behind, the Golem stumbles upon a group of children at play. One child plucks the shem from his chest, and the Golem is clay once more.

The film was photographed by Karl Freund, who went on to greater fame in Hollywood, where he directed Boris Karloff in The Mummy (1932) and won an Academy Award for cinematography for The Good Earth (1937).This version was a great inspiration for later horror film makers, especially James Whale, whose 1931 film of Frankenstein can be seen as a direct descendant in style and approach.

Character actor Fritz Feld has a small role as the Court Jester. Feld also moved to Hollywood, where he played supporting roles into the 1980's.


Follow this link for an excellent biography of Paul Wegener with further links on his films and associates.

1Pronounce the first syllable to rhyme with 'hole'2The Rabbi's grave still exists in Prague's Jewish cemetery

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