Westminster Bridge, London, UK

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Westminster Bridge crosses the River Thames between Parliament Square (on the north side) and Waterloo Station on the south. Nearly impossible to navigate in high season due to tourists and their photography, it offers great views up and down the river, and is a very reliable place to buy an excellent hotdog for £2.

Now shadowed by the London Eye, the bridge really comes into its own at night. Look out for drunken medical students leaving the bar at St Thomas' Hospital and stumbling across to Westminster tube station, and taxi drivers determined to treat any pedestrian as certain roadkill.

When crossing to the north side, it is impossible not to be struck by the size and grandeur of the Houses of Parliament looming above you before you turn right into Whitehall or left into Parliament Square. Every 15 minutes Big Ben chimes, adding to the atmosphere. When heading south, the aforementioned St Thomas' hospital dominates views to the right (though Lambeth Palace is a little further down) while County Hall is on your left, with the London Aquarium and the London Eye.

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