Jarri The Destroyer and Everything Else

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This is an amazing story my brother wrote. He is a better writer than I am or ever will be, I think. He sort of stopped, though...Maybe it's because he's a senior in High School this year?

“You see, it isn’t quite like that.” the big burly man said, as the room disappeared and a flood of data: visual, audio, tactile, and strangely enough, thought processes, flew threw the young man’s mind and latched onto every peak and valley of his cerebrum.

Then the room was back. The whole experience had taken less than a millisecond, but the young man now contained almost all the information about the other world that had occurred, ever.

Let us back up. The young man was fairly inconsequential as a human being except that he alone possessed the potential and sense to destroy the universe. The large man does not exist except in the young man’s mind, who, we shall call Jarri. The ‘large man’, who for easier addressing will be named Steve, existed not on the physical and material plane, upon which Jarri’s kind did, but on a mental and ethereal one. This is confusing and probably will never be entirely understood by our three-dimensional minds, but as this was the turning point of all species it must be explained anyway.

Jarri had many problems in his life, most, he felt, extended from the fact that he was too well mannered, too bright, too good looking, and poorer than anyone on the face of the earth. This was not really his problem. His real problem was that he had been selected by heaven and hell to destroy the universe.

We shall now fast forward again to a point just before the encounter of these two.

Jarri had just quit his third job this week due to a lack of trust from his employer and the fact that Jarri had misunderstood the meaning of a community cash drawer.

You see an oversight earlier on lead you to believe that Jarri was bright. This is not the right word by quite a long shot. He, in fact, was a mutant in his mental capacity, and unfortunately, was 20,000 years more evolved than an average human in this respect. That is not to say much, as people, unlike many other animals not located on earth, evolve very slowly. He merely had a few more synapse connections and used less energy to think allowing him to use, instead of five percent of his brain, twenty five percent. The whole point of this is to say that Jarri was above morality. He did not believe he was above it, he just could not understand the idiotic rules that humans alone possessed.

So, he was a thief without remorse. As he threw down his apron a large man entered the store. His name, Jarri suddenly realized, although faster than usual, was Steve. Jarri had an interesting ability to learn structural information about people, such as where they grew up, their name, their exact height and weight, and so forth, with no effort at all. It just appeared to him, like a guess. But this one seemed forced on him. So forceful in fact, that Jarri could read nothing else about the man.

A tendril leapt out of Steve. Suddenly Jarri and Steve were conversing in a telepathic sense. This felt slightly straining to Jarri but extremely relieving. It was not unlike letting an old man quite capable of walking, who had been forced into a wheel chair for his entire life, the opportunity to walk. Jarri was quite capable, but his muscles were weak and he did not know how to carry himself.
As he steadied himself, with Steve’s support, Steve asked, “Have you ever read the bible?” and at the same moment he also asked, “do you believe in life on other planets?” and told him, “I know you can’t answer, just open your mind and I will read your thoughts.”

Feeling uncomfortable Jarri did so. Steve instantly said, “You see, it isn’t quite like that.” And the room began to disappear and Jarri began to experience everything.

Section 2

Some how, all seemed to be narrated by a warm comforting voice. It began, “When God was THERE, . . .”

Jarri got the distinct impression that he had seen this in some movie. With effortless thought, the realization that it was in the first Superman movie came to him. He suddenly worried that he would spend twelve years doing this, and almost before he had time to, stopped, and felt comforted. He now felt like he was wrapped in a warm blanket or in a womb.

As he watched/heard/felt/thought his way through 200 billion years he felt as if he was watching a time lapse photographic movie, yet he caught, retained, and understood everything that was going on.

A brief description of what was happening would look something like this. First there was nothingness, completely devoid of everything. Then, as a wild explosion ensued, thoughts, which were too large, complex, and straining for even Jarri to comprehend, began to fly about. As they did, things began to change.

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