The Post CD review
Created | Updated Oct 10, 2002
David Bowie - Heathen
Go out and buy this NOW!!
I'm no die hard Bowie fanatic but this is one truly ace album; I can't stop playing it.
Most albums you love some tracks, the rest you put up with (unless a total fanatic or a Pink Floyd fan ;-) This Album is continual platinum, each track a different state of mind. Each track is a 'sound-scape' in its own right. Where do the ideas come from??
From Bowie's haunting vocals in SUNDAY with an almost religious anthemic quality with a backing track which reaches a crescendo as the track finishes - damm! I wish it lasted longer -,
Cactus ups the pace, and again what a superb driving back beat and lyrics.
As I write this it slips into Slip Away (sorry). It just brings back memories of early Bowie; I'm lost for words, how do I do this Album justice? Slow Burn - well Mr B, what can I say, what ever you pay your Band, it ain't enough.
Afraid I think I was singing along by the 2nd play and will be until my family gag me.
I've Been Waiting For You... it's what I've been waiting for, a long time now? Oh Yes!
I Would Be Your Slave... after this Mr Bowie will definitely have a few more slaves, haunting strings plus driving swirly bass lines.
There is a complete change of style for I Took a Trip on a Gemini Spaceship... but what a tongue-in-cheek style it is, talk about retro, and then a complete reversal for 5.15 The Angels Have Gone... back to classic haunting vocals with such quality backing.
Everyone Says Hi... so poignant, a song for a dead father from a confused 19yr old, easily and sadly identified with by anybody recently bereaved, a beautiful track.
A Better Future should be compulsory listening for all self serving, commercially motivated, greedy.... well, ALL politicians then, lets not beat about the bush... followed by HEATHEN... a dream or hope for the future? Another haunting vocal performance and equally haunting melodic backing.
If I were an aspiring artist about to record my first album and heard this, I'd pack up now! Who would buy an unknown when something this Good is available?
Damn! Let's play it again!!