Sealab 2021

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Sealab 2021 is a cartoon on Cartoon Network Sunday nights on a program called Adult Swim. It is produced and directed by Adam Reed and Matt Thompson. The cartoon is actually old animation from a 1970's cartoon called Sealab 2020, which was about saving the ocean, lasted about an hour and was a little tedious to sit through. Sealab 2021 is only 15 minutes long and actually has a sense of humor. The premise of the show is that there is an ocean floor observatory and that everyone who lives there is insane. The sealab also seems to blow up fairly often. Yes they all die and are back the next week for more through the beauty of cartoon physics


Captain Hank Murphy is like a little kid in an old man's body. He doesn't have a clue how to run Sealab and usually ends up messing everything up. He loves his Happy Cake Oven, Bebop Cola and deciced he wants to become an Adrian Barbobot with the ability to get hard nipples. He is in no way fit for command aboard anything that is run on nuclear power.

Marco is voiced by Eric Estrada from CHipS fame (he was paunch.) He is a narcisistic latino and proud of it. He is definately the most muscular and toughest guy on the Sealab. Murphy doesn't like Marco that much and refers to him as "mail-box head" from time to time. Marco is a sort of ladies man, if they aren't turned off by egotistical guys with "bacne"(acne on the back.)

Sparks is the communication officer for Sealab and is never seen without a headset, he is also a criminal genius. He likes messing with Murphy's head whenever possible in a smart alec sort of way. He creates a drug out of available resources called stimutacs and is an evil overlord to a group of henchmen in some remote mountain. He's claustrophobic too.

Dr. Quinn is the only person on Sealab who hasn't gone insane. With an IQ of 260 he keeps the crew in check when he can. He built himself a robot body when his body proved to be weak against viruses. He seems to think that everyone is prejudaced against him because he is an African in ethnicity. Do not confuse him with Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, she was on another t.v. show.

Debbie DuPree is the only woman with a major reoccuring role on Sealab. She has an off and on relationship with Dr. Quinn and has a biological clock that goes off at the drop of a dime. She is not to be confused with the other Debbie on board, a school teacher who Stormy refers to as "black" debbie and is only a minor character.

Stormy Waters is the local idiot on Sealab. He has killed Quinn on a number of occasions, took stimutacs without question, wants Debbie real bad (he never gets her,)can't figure anything out on his own and doesn't seem to have any purpose to be on Sealab.

Hesh is the youngest employee of Sealab. He is voiced by amateur rapper MC Chris and is highly immature. He works in the reacter core so that no one has to listen to his high pitched annoying voice, and constantly refers to himself in the third person.

Dolphin Boy is a fat child that no one likes and can only communicate in the dolphin language.


In "Chickmate" Debbie's biological clock goes off and she decides to have a baby. The only problem is, is that the only people she has access to to impregnate her are all on Sealab. She holds a competition to choose, which Murphy doesn't quite understand, and decides to let Debbie adopt him. Eventually Debbie figures out that taking care of a ship full of idiots is just as good as being a mom, and gives up on the whole thing.

"Radio Free" is all about Capt Murphy getting really bored and starting a pirate radio station. The FCC finds out and decides to eliminate the station at all costs. The ironic thing is, is that even though the FCC regulates airwaves, they cuss all the time.
Due to actual FCC regulations all the cussing is beeped out. Of course, they decide to blow up the sealab in the end.

In the beggining of "I Robot" Sealab sustains damage from a hurricane and starts to slowly blow up. No one but Quinn even cares, everyone else is to concerned about becoming a robot and all of it's advantages and drawbacks. Issac Asimov's three robot laws are referenced throughout the episode. In the end Quinn reveales that he is a cyborg and then Sealab blows up.

In "Happy Cake" Murphy gets his toy oven stolen and freaks out. To get it back, he makes the whole crew stay at battle stations until it is found. It turns out that Sparks did it to make the captain even more insane and for his own satisfaction. Murphy sends out Stormy, Quinn and a random frenchman, even though it's a suicide mission, out to get it, where they end up running into a giant squid that doesn't want to give the oven back. Then Sealab blows up.

A "Predator" is running around on Sealab eating everyone, no one is safe. Then, Quinn decides to wrap Dolphin Boy in meat, use him as bait and lure the monster into the reactor core. After everyone is already dead the monster runs away from Dolphin Boy, leaving Murphy and Quinn to realize that the monster is repelled by fat. The end of the episode shows Murphy and Quinn incredibly obese surrounded by food.

"Lost in Time" starts out with Stormy and Quinn stealing cable so that Capt Murphy can watch a TV movie starring "Chopper Dave," and then the Sealab blows up. Stormy and Quinn are sucked into some sort of time vortex and are sent back in time fifteen minutes. When they go to tell Murphy, the captain and Marco assume that Stormy and Quinn are dopplegangers, and send them to the brig. This happens time after time, with each generation getting weirder and more mutated. The Sealab and it's crew stay at a set nember of one each, but the brig keeps getting more full of Quinn and Stormy. Eventially Quinn figures out how to stop the process, but there are at this point a very large number of the same person. Murphy then decides to hold a gladitorial process to decide which pair lives.

"Little Orphan Angry" is a child that claims to have a fatal disease in order to get free vacations from the Final Request Foundation. Sparks wants to sell the orphans organs on the black market, Murphy wants to help the orphan with icecream and suicidal car rides, and Marco takes all the responsibilty for the brat. It turns out that the orphan is an exellent conman and someone from the Foundation is on to him and plans to kill him. When anyone in the ship finds out, they don't seem to really care. Then the orphan gets eaten by a shark.

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