97-X Oxford, Ohio

2 Conversations

A radio station not to be missed. It covers what others are afraid(or perhaps sometimes ashamed) to and more. They were playing Alternative before there was any. Most famously depicted in the film "Rainman", starring Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise, 97-X (The future of Rock and Roll) is a gem of new tunage. Playing everything from Elvis Costello to Temple of the Dog, WOXY is a local hero among radio. Still privately owned and operated, it flies in teh face of the Bubble gum, carbon-copy stations that permiate most of the Ohio radio dial. One can even listen to them live on the web from anywhere in the world at www.woxy.com. I highly recommend them. Free music, downloads, and tons of fun stuff to participate in on the site make the web site a great visit too.

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