What's important in life.

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Some things come and go, some of them stick around for quite some time, and some of them don't even come. You need to see the difference and the importance of the things that matter to you the most and then try to keep them in your reach. Don't let one "bad" thing throw you off your feet, you need to ignore bad things and just keep on going. First of, take care of your friends and family. You're nothing without them. Trust me on that one. Relationships with boyfriends/girlfriends won't last forever. If you have luck you might fall in love and get married, but that only means you have to keep loving or it's gonna fade. Don't ever think you don't need friends to be happy or to do something. You might not need them for everything, but can sure help you when you do need them. Take care of them and show them that you need them, that you won't be the same without them, that your life won't be complete without them, and they will "need" you back, they will love you for who you are and they will care.

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