London- Bermondsey

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Bermondsey in South London is one of those areas that Estate Agents and frantic Time Out space fillers are trying to 'up and come'- cleverly, they're calling it "B&B" (Bermondsey and Borough, the next poor area along). Brilliant, huh? It's working pretty well already, considering the amount of empty crisp packets that have already made their way to live here.

However, if you can accept that it's not the most beautiful spot on God's earth, it is an exceptionally funky place to live. Where else can you buy everything for 99 pence, as long as 'everything' is your definition of fifty five dusters and some East German biscuits?

Last week some West London loud voiced people wearing fleeces and timberlands were spotted in our best restaurant The Honest Cabbage on Bermondsey Street, however we chased them out with big sticks and threatened to set fire to their VW Golfs. They still haven't made it down to the Arancia Cafe on Southwark Park Road, so if you're around there, it's still worth popping into.

Other cool things about Bermondsey: you're exceptionally close to Tower Bridge (sorry, I don't know how to link entries, but there's something about it somewhere); we're about to get the Jubilee Line Extension MAYBE; there are lots of good libraries; there's a very good dodgy antiques market which has some ancient byelaw that says you can sell stuff and nobody is allowed to ask you where you got it; all the roads are Roman and we are SUPER-OLD; The Globe is here, which was fabulous until this year as it is now filled with fat Americans (I hope that doesn't break the rules on racism) looking for Joseph Fiennes; no celebrities live here; and you can still buy a house without giving up your newborn, assuming nobody takes Time Out seriously, and I assume that is a very reasonable assumption to make, considering the amount of crap they spout on a weekly basis.

Sorry about Millwall, though

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