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Beverley is my hame town and is a great place for visiting beings from other planets, (even those from Lancashire)! When you arrive you will no doubt be thursty,... Good as there are many public houses in beverley and they need to get rid of all their excess beer, wiskey, Pan Galactic Gargle Balsters etc. The best Pubs in beverley, in my opinion, are describled below.
Nellie's, (aka The Wight Horse), this is a fantastic little pub, a laborinthe of passages provide hours of amusment trying to find the lavotory, and the main beer, a fine brew called Samual Smiths Bitter, costs only £1.23 a pint (at the time of going to press) is a good old fasioned bitterv with a beutiful taste, and it is even hand pumped. The building itself is wonderfully old, it is even rumered that James 1 sleeped there in 1603 on his way to be corinated. Inside it is much the same as Nellie herself wouf remember, right down to the real functioning gas lights. For those wondering who Nellie was, she was one of the two sisters who ran the pub during the war.
The Green Dragon, A little more up to date offering music at the bar and a large range of coctails. However The Green D is usually packed of an evening though is well worth a visit.
The Lady le Gros, out side the town centre is a nice local pub that ofers one of the best pool tables i have played on, however at certain times noisey kids do get in the way of this.

Beverley also boasts many antique bulidings such as the three parish churches, the Minster, St Mary's and St Nicholas'. the North bar is an original medievil Gate arch and, so the superstition goes, if you hold your breath as you pass through it will give you luck. Beverley has markets on both a wednesday and a saturday, where you can buy anything from cat food to computer supplies, and the victorian market in autum is also somthing to see. Finally the museum of army transport has over 200 exibits under 2 acers of roofing including many rare and unique vehicles. Externaly the museum displays the only remainin Blackburn Beverley transport aircraft. Ocationally the museum plays host to antique or toy and train fairs.
Ofcourse not everything is listed here, as beverley is a lovley little town 8 miles north of Hull, and is well worth a visit, in my opinion.

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