Home improvements I need to do.

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Long term

  1. Re-shingle the roof.
  2. Rebuild or replace windows.
  3. Motion detector back yard light?

Short term

  1. Caulk around top of tub. [price of caulk]
  2. Dig around basement walls so water drains away instead of towards basement. [free]
  3. Threshold strips for doorways between kitchen/living room and porch/living room. [$$$?]
  4. Two sets of curtain rods and curtains.

Need further research

  1. Should concrete floor be painted? Did previous owner leave enough vinyl flooring & tile to cover the basement floor?
  2. Decide whether the garage is worth repairing or too far gone.
  3. Upgrade the security system?

low priority, maybe someday

  1. "Quarter round" trim around living room floor.

Left Behind by the Seller

  • Extra air conditioner window unit smiley -
  • Late model vacuum cleaner smiley -
  • Throw-blanket with smiley - and teddy bear on it smiley -
  • Some curtains, shades, window treatments smiley -
  • Lawnmower (condition unknown) smiley -
  • Various containers of oil, vehicle fluids, gas for lawnmower smiley -
  • Auto accessories like battery charger, cables, condition unknown smiley -
  • Leftover building materials: ceramic tiles, small roll of vinyl flooring, paint and rollers, propane torch (?!) smiley -
  • Several cans of orange soda and bottled water in fridge, popsicles in freezer smiley -
  • Two bags of returnable soda cans and beer bottles, redeemable for ten cents each smiley - smiley -
  • Pile of discarded aluminum siding and wood in garage, will cost to dispose smiley - $$$.
  • A few boxes of garbage in basement, will cost to dispose smiley - $$$.
  • Eight inch tall Dragonball smiley - action figure among the garbage in garage

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