Singin' in the Rain, the scene

2 Conversations

I'm singin' in the rain

Just singin' in the rain

What a glorious feeling

I'm happy again!

Who does not smile at the thought of Gene Kelly tapping, singing and splashing his way through this song? It is perhaps the greatest and most memorable scene ever filmed, and it still is as well known as it was over 40 years ago1. Let us now defy the "don't meddle with it if it ain't broken" rule and take a deeper look at this particular sequence

The background story

The famous scene is of course taken from the amazing movie with the same name, choreographed, directed2 and performed by Gene Kelly in 1952. But actually, the song doesn't originate from this movie, in short, not many of the incorporated songs do. It is actually taken from The Hollywood Revue of 1929 and written by Nacio Herb Brown (music) and Arthur Freed (lyrics). Since the movie was meant to be about the 1920s, much of the music was "borrowed" from this era.

First, Gene Kelly knew that somewhere in the film he should have a singing and dancing solo, but nothing had been specified. 'Singin' in the Rain' was actually put in to be a trio number for Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), Cosmo Brown (Donald O'Connor) and Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds) as a pep-up after the disaster showing of 'The Duelling Cavalier'. The three of them were meant to suddenly go dancing out of a restaurant and have 'impromptu fun' in the rain. The idea was basically a reprise of the 'Make Way For Tomorrow' number which Gene Kelly, Rita Hayworth and Phil Silvers did in the movie Cover Girl (1944). Although Kelly eventually ended up with 'Singin' in the Rain' as a solo, the original idea is still seen at the opening sequence of the film.


The set was found at a permanent street at a studio backlot in Culver City, California, but much work had to be done: Digs and holes had to be made exactly where Kelly's choreography demanded them. A complex system of pipes was engineered to make just the right downpour. Water was mixed with milk to make it more visible. The area was darkened with tarpaulins, and had to be lit from behind to make the rain even more visible, and so the shop windows wouldn't cast reflections.

More problems issued: Gene Kelly came down with a very high fever after rehearsing the scene in the cold rain/milk, and what is even evident in the final cut, his fine grey suit shrank drastically, especially the jacket. But as Cosmo says in the very movie; "The show must go on!" And the scene is now seen as Gene Kelly's best performance ever.

There's also a story circulating that when they were about to shoot the scene, the water wouldn't run in the pipes. After some research, the producer's discovered that they had attempted to film at 2pm, which was the time the habitants of Beverly Hills turned on their water-sprinklers.

Kelly said he created the right mood in the scene by the "thought of the fun children have splashing about in rain puddles and [I] decided to become a kid again during the number" and that is evident when you watch it. It's a testimony to the ecstasy and glee one feels when one is in love. Kelly's childlike silliness couldn't be better at expressing it.

The sequence consists of 10 shots and is approximately 5 minutes long.

First shot

Scene fades to Don (Kelly) kissing Kathy (Reynolds) at her porch. A cab is waiting outside and the downpour is heavy "Really? From where I'm standing, the sun is shining all over the place." The dialogue sets the scene, they kiss again, and Kathy walks in and closes the door.

Second shot

The first strains of the melody begins. Don feels the rain and waves the cab away, first lightly and then exaggerated to make his point. He walks cheerily down the street as he hums/sings softly "Doo-de-doo-doo-de-doo-de-doo-doo..." as Roger Edens, the arranger, suggested to Kelly. The camera moves with him the whole time.

Third shot

Don starts singing. His stroll becomes more exaggerated and is suddenly stopped by his athletic leap to a lamp-post, where he spreads out in delighted celebration, umbrella in one hand and steadying himself with the other. When he jumps down you can hear his taps for the first time. Close-up as he grins and hugs the lamp-post. "- And I'm ready for love..."

Fourth shot

A couple hurrying by trying to shield themselves with a newspaper, stops and does a 180 degree turn, probably amazed by a man dancing around with his umbrella down. Don only gives them a nonchalant wave and they hurry on. The camera cranes down to a closup as he stands with his legs far apart and his arms outstretched, "I've a smile on my face"

Fifth shot

The rain is more evident as the low hiss and his squelchy taps sounds louder. Don strolls up to a colourful pharmacy display in a window and the sidewalk is a stage and the dancing begins. Nonsense sounds and gaily humming issues from Don. He uses his closed umbrella first as a dance partner, then a juggling prop as he throws it up in the air and catches it again, and finally as some kind of string instrument3 He ends the song with Kelly's adapted, "I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain" which actually sums the whole sequence up.

Sixth shot

There's no more singing and the dancing begins. First there is a silly clowning-feeling to the dance, as he hunches his shoulders and has his knees at awkward angles. The umbrella still acts as a dance prop and the shot ends with the clickety sounds of Don pulling it along a metal railing.

Seventh shot

Don walks higher up the street till he comes to a water pipe with water gushing out. He first dances around it, then he walks under it and finally removes the umbrella, smiling cheerily as the water makes his hat soaked.

Eight shot

The song becomes louder and wilder as Don jumps out into the open street and starts spinning round and round in jubilation, with his open umbrella pinned forward with both hands.

Ninth shot

The dance becomes childlike play as Don comes back to the curb and walks one foot up on the curb, and the other in the gutter, splashing the water. He then does a pantomime tightrope-walk along the curb before he carefully starts sploshing in a small pool of water on the sidewalk. Without warning he jumps out into the open road and stomps and splashes the water around in an ecstatic, childlike frenzy. After approximately half a minute, a policeman in black raincoat (Robert Williams) comes and observes Don's behaviour. Don stops dead, freezes, and then steps back sheepishly onto the sidewalk. He hasn't really done anything wrong, but the policeman acts as a censor, judging Don's immature behaviour.

Tenth shot

The final shot gives an over-the-shoulder view from the officer as Don smiles nervously, shrugs and explains, "I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain." The camera goes higher as he turns and walks down the street. As a final act of originality, he hands his umbrella to a random passer-by ('Snub' Pollard) before he starts strolling with swinging arms out of the scene. Fade out.


Singin' in the rain

Just singin' in the rain

What a glorious feelin'

I'm happy again

I'm laughin' at clouds

So dark up above

The sun's in my heart

And I'm ready for love

Let the stormy clouds chase

Everyone from the place

Come on with the rain

I've a smile on my face

I'll walk down the lane

With a happy refrain

And singin' and dancin' in the rain


I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain...
1And often parodied!2With Stanley Donen3The original song was performed by an ukulele player. Some people think Kelly does this as a kind of reminder

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