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Probably the most widely used thing on this planet. People nowadays can check their e-mail with devices that decode the messages by beeps and tones. Cell phones are in competition with personal radios. People can talk with people from anywhere, anytime, and (soon) any-galaxy. Communication has become so space-aged, that people don't really need to interact with others much anymore. Parents can work later now because of split-second calling capabilities to check in on their latch- key kids. Businesses are moving faster than the speed of sound thanks to computer checking and inventory management, leaving people to send orders off in little boxes, packets, or data bits. Cars can find any location using a satellite mapping system, while perimedics are rushing to a nearby hospital and a computer regulates what's going on with a patient. In two minutes, two people from very different games can hunt each other down in a one-on-one deathmatch. Even this article will reach the desktops of the H2G2 team to be read, edited, and go through one last slash and burn in the legal department. People can deposit little audio nuggets of joy on voice e-mail, voice mail, and answering machines (although it's hard to understand why someone can't just have one and be done with it).

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