Ranters, Lovers & Chanters

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Now that you've missed the Glasgow tour of this magnificent production the words and music of Rabbie Burns and I'd suggest that you get on the phone to The Grouse House at the Edinburgh Festival. To say that this is the best presentation of Burns' songs and poems for many a year is to greatly understate what has been achieved here. This is definitely NOT the sugar coated shortbread tin Burns of the Burns Supper brigade. This is the real, radical, ranting and loving bard who was the poet of the people more than the darling of the Edinburgh literary set.
Brilliantly presented in words and music by a team which includes the Glasgow based Song Factory, the South Side Chorus with the able assistance of of the St Francis pipe band, all tied together by the Bard himself in the person of Stuart Ennis this Ailsa Productions presentation is almost worth the entire budget of the Scottish Arts Council for the entire year. Do NOT miss it.
Book early for the Edinburgh Festival Grouse House production of the best thing to have happened to Burns since his first Kilmarnock Edition was published.
Ailsa Productions are on 0141 331 1005 and I'd book early to avoid disappointment.

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