Catholicism: A Religious Dictatorship?

2 Conversations

NOTE: Due to the sensitive nature of this text, I wish to point out that I am not, never have been, and never will be a racist. This thread is simply the views of the Roman Catholic Church through the eyes of Non-Catholic people.

Catholicism is perhaps the oldest and most fanatical form of Christianity in the westernized world. However, research by religious historians backed by arguements from Non-Catholic religions seem to state otherwise.

Many past Popes have claimed to be messengers of God, even though they are elected democratically by the Vatican and not by God. A minority of Catholics appear to treat the Pope as superior to the Lord. If this is so, then this minority have broken the first commandmant "THOU SHALT NOT HAVE ANY OTHER GODS BEFORE ME".

According to the fifth commandmant, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL", it is never justified to kill anything or anyone regardless of the reason. Pope John Paul II recognized this in his declarations on Euthanasia, but many protestants, homosexuals and atheists have suffered unprovoked attacks by Catholics for refusing to believe in Catholicism. There is no edition of the Holy Bible that can justify such attacks, and these actions are similar to the Spanish Inquisition, in which many who didn't believe in the Roman Catholic Church were slaughtered.

The Spanish Inquisition took place when the Roman Catholic Church controlled much of Europe in what was called the Holy Roman Empire (800-1806). Not only was there brutal killing, but the leaders of Europe were bribed into submitting to Catholicism, which defies the tenth commandmant, "THOU SHALT NOT COVET". The Catholics also led many anti-semitic attacks against those of Jewish faith, perhaps no better than the holocaust of WWII. It was not until the early 1970's when the Roman Catholic Church would cease all anti-semitic activities.

The Methodist Church also recognizes the second commandment "THOU SHALT NOT MAKE FOR YOURSELF AN IDOL" has been defied by the Catholics, who are creating statues of the Virgin Mary for their churches. These graven images of winged angels, God and any other religious figure also defy Exodus 20:4, which explains the second commandment in detail:

"You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or of any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."

The statues of Virgin Mary is another form of worshipping someone other than God, and worship the mother of Jesus Christ instead.

When films are made that have some religious references in, they are frowned upon by the clergy, but none moreso than Monty Pythons' "Life of Brian", which the Catholics objected too so much so that it was banned. However, the Church of England and the Reformed Protestant Church have recognized that a comedy film is to amuse people, rather than insult. The most extreme of the latter religion would say that such actions are no better to the Nazis' view on jazz music during their rise to power.

However, with all of this information in mind, there are still a minority of Catholics who are fanatic enough to believe that the massacres of the Spanish Inquisition and murders made in modern times against homosexuals (though fortunately, the latter is a rare case) can be excused by the Lord. The final question yet remains to be answered: Is Catholicism a dictatorship enshrouded by religion? You be the judge.

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