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Depending on how you look at it, it's a kind of mental illness whereby the sufferer goes into a coma-like satate and seems to go to a 'better place' or it's a very good Welsh band. The latter of which, i love. I more than love them, actually, i worship the ground they walk on. But wy do i do this, you may ask. And you may well ask - there's hundreds of them around these days - Welsh bands who have been around for absolutely ages, but only just 'made it big'. The answer you would get would be simple enough: because they are producing the best music that's around at the moment. One listen to such songs as 'do You Believe in Me' or 'Bulimic Beats' would convert anybody. But there's one other thing: the Stage presence of Cerys Matthews. And yes, it deserves capital letters. But what are youlistening to me for? Go find out for yourselves.

and, in case you need it, i'll be putting up a complete discography, but in the meantime, have a look at Adam's Catatonia page at: it's got everything you need plus a message board full of friendly people ( one of whom is MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!)

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