Pubs Cardiff The Maltsters Arms

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The Maltsters Arms
A pub in Llandaf. The home of the 'Dragons Golf Society' and 'Big Horses inc.'

Residing on the corner of Ely Road and Cardiff road in Llandaf, Cardiff, this friendly pub welcomes visitors from all areas. The pub is split onto two floors. The Bar is downstairs, with an entrance directly from Cardiff road. The lounge is upstairs, and isn't really worth visiting unless you are a posh person, or there is karaoke in the bar.

The atmosphere in the Malsters is usually dictated by the mishaps of the regulars. A happy evening is one where at least two of the patrons humiliate themselves in full view of the other customers. Paul Rees is a safe bet along with his 'mucker' Jonathan Barker. If you ask another regular 'Geordie John' about the time Paul phoned Sally, expect fireworks. John can be found by the golf machine on most evenings if you're feeling brave.

The big Horse society was founded inadvertantly by Jake, after he had been a little overzealous in Jonathan Barker's kitchen, with a lady of slightly large build. Having pulled the freezer in the way of the door to prevent entry by, well, anyone really his plan was scuppered by Paul Seawood who wasn't going to be stopped by a large houshold appliance. Jake was caught red handed climbing into the saddle hence 'The Big Horse Society' was founded.

Steven 'Oscar' Hoskins continued this inadvertant shenanigans after a visit to Peaky's abode one evening. He was ejected from Richard Peak's flat due to his inhebriation and incoherence on a Saturday in early September 2002. He left determined to find 'some big horse to ride'. A lady who may or may not work at the hostelry he ended up in, was given the full doings. Dressage, Cross country, you name it. A very embarrassing incident ensued but the details may be libelous if printed here. You may like to ask him about it if you ever pay us a visit. Once again, only do this if your feeling brave or suicidal. See also entry entitled 'Big Horses'.

The Malsters as stated at the top of the page is also the home of the 'Dragons Golf Society'. 'Geordie John' plays golf every now and then.

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