Blast Corps - The computer Game

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In 1997, Rare released Blast Corps for the N64. With the concept of clearing a path for a runaway nuclear missile, it is fairly unique, not being easily fit into a conventional genre.

The Plot

Two nuclear warheads are loaded on a carrier. One of them started leaking, so the carrier automatically sets off on a direct path to a safe zone, where it can safely denonate. Unfortunately, that route goes through residential, and industrial areas, so the carrier is destined to crash into something, thus causing a nuclear catastophe. The Blast Corps team's job is to stop that, by clearing the route to the safe zone, by demolishing any buildings in the way.

The game

The game is made up of a number of levels. You start with one level, and when you complete that level, other levels become available to play.


There are two main types of level, Carrier level, when you clear a path for the nuke, and time trials, which are in a sense bonus levels where you complete a task within a time limit.

Carrier Levels

In these levels, the Carrier travels towards its destination in a straight line, and you must make sure nothing gets in its way. For the most part this means you need to demolish the buildings in the way, with the many demolition vehicles at your disposal. If the carrier hits a building, the warhead explodes, and you have to start the level again.

At the start of each level you control one particular vehicle, although you may be able to take control of others along the way. The vehicles available can determine how easy a level is.

Some of the levels, as well as the action, also incorporate puzzle elements. These tend to revolve around moving boats to provide a way over water, or finding TNT to destroy some of the buildings that you can't destroy otherwise.

After the way is clear for the carrier, there is still more to be done, to complete a level fully. There are small dots called

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