The Dreaded Mobile Phone Tone

1 Conversation

It's like a universal, epidemic disease no one can control, and the name of the disease? The mobile phone tone.

How many times have you been walking down the street and heard the beep or ring of an ordinary phone? In this age of digital techonology, where we can access the internet, text message, take photographs and practically do the house work with a mobile phone, why have we abandoned the simple, the tasteful, the ordinary sound of the ringing phone for a plefora of theme tunes and twiddly ditties?

And no matter what there is no mistaken that as soon as the Nokia tone comes on someone will turn into Dom Jolly and scream 'HELLO' at the top of their lungs.

So is the researcher writing this entry one of the masses? Yes she is. So what delicate tuneful delights do I have on my mobile phone?

  • The Archers
  • Monty Python Flying Circus Theme Tune
  • The Bright Side of Life
  • The Muppets Show Theme Tune
  • Fat Lip by Sum 41
  • Basketcase by Greenday
  • The Wombles Theme Tune

Your favourite song, TV program or radio theme can be yours through time consuming tapping of buttons, expensive calls or recording directly from your friends talking to CDs. Meaning that we're all showing are individual idiosyncrasies through the noise that emmulates from our mobile phones prior to answering.

What do our mobile phone tones say about us?

From my choice another researcher said that I'm most likely 'you're a classic comedy buff with childlike tendancies withh an old head on young shoulders', which is how a lot of people would describe me, I enjoy life and being a teenager but am perfectly able to be mature when it's needed.

Another researcher with:

  • Mission Impossible
  • Beverley Hills Cop(Axel F)
  • Great Escape
  • Cantina(Star Wars)
  • Scooby Doo
  • Halloween
  • Simpsons

  • I'd say was "a kid at heart and enjoy adverturing but also has a serious side".

    But do our mobile phones (tones, images and cases) show what kind of person we are?

    This Researchers Phone

    The Case

    Various shades of green with very art deco, structural and architechtural black and white stripes going across it, showing my artistic liking and my like of simplicity with the more excentric things in life.

    The Screen Saver

    Four smiley faces, showing the humourous and cheerful side of my personality and possibly even how I don't like to see other people unhappy, creating an almost agony aunt personality.

    The Tone

    The Archers Theme, possibly showing my humorous side, my childlike personality with the hint of something adult and classic. Or maybe just that thanks to Billy Connolly I think that The Archers Theme should really be the British National Anthem and help give the UK a bit of a boost.

    The Accessories

    The Green flasher on the back, which flashes a green light every time I recieve a call, shows my childlike tendancies, wanting to flash a torch around the room every time the light's out to investigate. Also that new technology fasinates me, and that a simply designed sticker can be transformed into something useful. Also my liking for things glitzy and excentric.

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