File Sharing & MP3
Created | Updated Sep 19, 2002
What is File sharing?
File sharing is the term most commonly used to describe peer 2 peer software.
Peer to peer software is used to transfer just about any type of computer file from one computer to another.The software connects the two computers directly, not via a central server such as a web site.
Probably the most famous peer 2 peer file sharing software was that of Napster.
Napster was created in the late 1990's, and soon had millions of users worldwide.It wasnt long before the record companies found out that the vast majority of files being shared were copyrighted MP3 music files.Legal action followed and napster is now no-more, but many more similar programs have come to the net & millions use them everyday to swap MP3 music files & movies.
What is MP3?
MP3 is a type of computer file which compresses music & sound files to about 10% of their orignal size, making them ideal to be swapped on peer to peer networks & stored on computer hard drives.
MP3 files are almost CD quality, and "Ripping" software is easily available to convert Cd's into MP3 format.
Does File Sharing Have A Future?
Record companies worldwide are trying to stamp out peer 2 peer networks, claiming they are losing millions in revenue daily as a result of these programs, But it is proving evermore difficult with around 10 million people using peer 2 peer networks at any one time of the day.
Also, the very people they are trying to stop are music fans, which poses a big problem for the record companies.
Nearly all users of file sharing programs believe they are doing nothing wrong, and those who do think it is wrong do it anyway.
I myself dont feel that I am stealing when I download a song from a peer 2 peer network as the record companies still have the song, I am not actually taking anything, am I?
Also, I do feel that Cd's are drastically over-priced.The last CD I brought cost me £18.99!
£18.99 for something which cost less than a pound to make!!!
If the music industry is going to suceed in its war against file sharing it is going to have to cut the price of Cd's, and not jsut a little.
With manymore people using broadband internet connections file sharing will only become more widespread.With a broadband connection it is possible to download a song in seconds and a full length movie in only hours.
But as long as music is available for free on peer 2 peer networks people will always take advantage, illeagal or not.