Magrathea's Workshop - Roles and Responsibilities

1 Conversation

Magrathea's Workshop - Roles and Responsibilities

21st June 2011 - We interrupt your browsing with some welcome news:

The BBC have confirmed the success of the three-way bid by Robbie Stamp, the Community Consortium and Noesis.

When you read what's on the Magrathea pages and the conversations here, please remember that they were written while the bid was being worked on, so some things have changed.

We now return you to your original programming

I don't expect this to have many comments as it is very vague and doesn't go into much detail. However, the document is up at and it would be appreciated if you could cast your eye over it to make sure there aren't any glaring errors.

Crucially, I [Vip] will not be around to make any changes to this document this weekend. I trust you to discuss this and make changes as required. Mrs Zen will retain overall control when she copies this to add to the Great Big Document and I bow before her considerable knowledge anyhow.

Good luck, and thanks again,


smiley - fairy

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