A Wind Named Amnesia

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This is an 80 minute anime released in the US by U.S.Manga Corps in 1984. The movie starts off, presupposing that you've read the box and know the backstory. (Seemingly the whole of humanity has suffered complete memory loss and we now live as savage primitives) The movie follows the adventres of a young man as he explores what's left of America. I personally found this a bit unsatisfying, especially how calmly and acceptingly the main character takes a few things said to him... it seems (like may other anime) to be part of a manga series brought over to video, but with significant portions missing. To really see this effect in action, watch Compiler and Compiler 2.

As far as family-friendliness, for the most part this movie is clean, until half-way through when a young woman mostly strips to play at the beach. Towards the end the movie then drops in a completely unneeded glob of wink wink nudge nudge action. For what this anime is, this was completely unneeded, but it's not raunchy or tasteless. (Also, the box itself features a pic of the girl mentioned from near the middle in only her underwear)

This is considered by many others to be a thought provoking anime, to pe perfectly honest I found Evangelion's ending (not the End of Evangelion though...) far more so. This movie leaves the viewer with a thought, but sadly only one, one that the sort of person who'd be interested in this movie have probably arrived at many times on their own beforehand. Still, I can think of worse ways to spend 80 minutes... the art and sound are good, the action is a bit unrealistic at times though no worse than Mission Impossible. The best part has to be that this apocolypse is supposed to have happened in the 90s. Did you know we already had mechs that could run off their AI and track you across the country? A bit of unintentional comedy makes this movie better than it used to be....

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