One, Oneness: What it Means

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To be at One with the Universe is the ultimate objective of the yogi, the guru, the New Age seeker of Truth and Enlightenment, the mystic; but few seem to know the symptoms of Oneness, usually implying that the seeker will know when the ultimate is attained. Until now.

Now Fu-Manchu can describe Oneness and instruct you in achievement of this desirable goal.

A Question of Degree

Oneness is a state of varying degree outward from the centre that is you. Every person is at One with the self, or should be1. When an insect crawls upon your flesh, you know its location on your body and the direction in which it is going; when it bites, you know exactly which bit of you is being eaten. You are at One with yourself.

Next degree of Oneness is to be at One with your immediate surroundings. You wake up in the middle of the night disturbed by some noise; after a few moments you turn over and go back to sleep knowing that next door at number 42 Simon and LaWona are engaged in reproductive exercises. Or you are seated in your favourite chair reading a book when you hear an exchange of gunfire in the distance: you turn the page secure in the knowledge that the local gangs are improving the general fitness of the human race by removing themselves from the gene-pool.

Another degree of Oneness is that which tells you the person you have encountered is an unmitigated creep who should be avoided. Yet another is when you know traps are sprung that you set on a rabbit-run two miles away; sounds fanciful, yet Tom Brown, Jr. reports Stalking Wolf, the Apache medicine man and scout, as doing just this.

Essential Aspect

Essential aspect of Oneness is the degree to which you are tuned to the environment you inhabit. When you are tuned for high gain reception, one of the rewards comes at the moment when you can stand and feel your whole being thrill as the Great Spirit2 surges into you, expanding your soul — even in this effect there is degree of intensity ranging from a vague lifting of the spirit to rapture.

Ultimate Oneness

Ultimate Oneness is to be omnipotent, which for all of us is an unobtainable and undesirable goal, but it is an objective we should strive towards in the process of becoming intimately acquainted with ourselves, the world in which we live, as well as with the other forms of life who share the world with us upon whom we depend.

How to be One

How do you tune yourself to your environment? It starts early in life, but can start any time you choose silence in which to listen. Stop talking. Pay attention to the small things happening around you. Observe, correlate, catalogue. But you can only do this if you can tolerate living with yourself, listening to your own thoughts, stopping those thoughts long enough to just experience the world reported by your senses. When you can sit, doing nothing, thinking of nothing, is when you will be at your most receptive.

1One with oneself: With some persons one wonders if they would notice a smack in their gob.2Great Spirit: Or whatever convenient name you choose to call it.

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