Astrology - What Sign

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Fire signs are RED

Earth signs are GREEN

Air signs are YELLOW

Water signs are BLUE
  1. March 21 to April 20

    Tempermental Aries

    Who works from morn to set of sun?

    And never likes to be outdone?

    Whose walk is almost like a run?

    Who? Aries!

  2. April 21 to May 21

    Headstrong Taurus

    Who smiles through life-except when crossed?

    Who knows, or thinks he knows, the most?

    Who loves good things: baked, boiled or roast?

    Oh, Taurus!

  3. May 22 to June 21

    Worrisome Gemini

    Who's fond of life and jest and pleasure;

    Who vacillates and changes ever?

    Who loves attention without measure?

    Why? Gemini!

  4. June 22 to July 22

    Hard-shelled sympathetic Cancer

    Who changes like a changeful season?

    Holds fast then lets go without a reason?

    Who is there to give ashesion?

    To Cancer?

  5. July 23 to August 22

    Loving Leo

    Who praises all his kindred do;

    Expects his friends to praise them too-

    And cannot see their senseless view?

    Ah, Leo!

  6. August 23 to September 23

    Critical Virgo

    Who criticizes all she sees;

    Yes, e'en would analyze a sneeze?

    Who hugs and loves her own disease?

    Humpf, Virgo!

  1. September 24 to October 23

    Introspective Libra

    Who puts you off with promise gay,

    and keeps you waiting half a day?

    Who compromises all the way?

    Sweet, Libra!

  2. October 24 to November 22

    Ultimate Scorpio

    Who keeps an arrow in his bow,

    And if you prod, he lets it go?

    A fervent friend, a subtle foe-


  3. November 23 to December 21

    Pursuing Sagittarius

    Who loves the dim religious light;

    Who always keeps a star in sight?

    An optimist both happy and bright-


  4. December 22 to January 20

    Relentless Capricorn

    Who climbs and schemes for wealth and place,

    And mourns his brothers fall from grace-

    But takes what's due in any case?

    Safe Capricorn!!

  5. January 21 to February 19

    Deliberate Aquarius

    Who gives to all a helping hand,

    But bows her head to no command-

    And higher laws doth understand?

    Inventor, Genus, Superman-Aquarius!

  6. February 20 to March 20

    Soulful Pisces

    Who prays, and serves, and prays some more:

    And feeds the begger at the door-

    And weeps o'er loves lost long before?

    Poor Pisces!

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