Will & Grace/Eric McCormack

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Well, when I searched on h2g2 and didn't find a single article on either of the above, I thought it very necessary to write one. You may not find this article interesting or informative, but at least you can say the quality television is represented on the guide.

I have been watching Will & Grace ever since it was first broadcast on Channel 4 and have loved it from day 1. Everyone is so funny - especially Jack - and with gorgeous guys like Eric McCormack on there the whole experience is just made better! The storylines are consistently excellent, especially the one that was on from series 2 on the 23/8/2002, with Will having dreams - I won't explain any more in case you havn't seen it.

If you have read this article, you probably havn't learnt anything new because if you searched for Will & Grace you probably have the same opinions as me. Anyway, I hope you like the article - and if you do, look for Vampire Countess on the members search and get in touch!

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