Summer Morning (a poem)

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I stand

as the dawn's timid rays

peek shyly from behind your blinds

and begin their day-long creep across your sanctum.

Carefully, I gather my things

(quietly -- I do not wish to wake you)

I cannot help but draw my hand across your outstretched arm

slowly, and you stir.

I take my hand away from your skin

quickly, suddenly,

as if I were ripping my own flesh away from my body.

For when we are one we truly are one.

There is one more whispered

good-bye as I close the door behind me,

and I'm not even five feet down the hall

before I wish I hadn't locked myself out.

In a heartbeat I could rush back

and hold you for a thousand more years.

Outside, the dew-kissed grass brushes across my feet,

the waking sun of our fading summer rises,

and soon we will have our autumn.

For Marcella, with love

1 Sept 02

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